- high performance e concrete 高性能混凝土
- Aitcin , P. C. , 1992 ,“The Use of Superplasticizers in High Performance Concrete” High Performance Concrete From Material to Structure, Y. Malier Edt., E &FN Spon, pp. 14-33. 苏南,李伟卿,2001,“强塑剂经磁场处理对混凝土工作性之影响”,强塑剂于混凝土应用研讨会论文集,页155-170,台北,4月。
- Provide a complete, high performance, multi-thread world wide web server. 提供一个完整、高效、多线程的万维网服务器。
- High Performance On Demand Solution Team. 在部署高可用性解决方案时的经验。
- Large crusher feed opening yields high performance. 破碎机大下料口产生高性能。
- What is a High Performance Cross-Cultural Team? 高效跨文化团队定义?
- Invest in high performance disks and spindles. 投资高性能磁盘和心轴。
- It pro-vides a promising high performance latexes. 氟硅改性丙烯酸乳液是一种发展前景良好的高性能乳液。
- A high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of vitamin E and sterols has been established. 建立了一种分析菜籽油脱臭馏出物深加工物中维生素E和甾醇含量的分析方法。
- Thomas W M, Andrews R E, ‘High performance tools for friction stir welding (FSW)’, International Patent Application WO 99/52669. 林春亿;“摩擦搅拌制程对5083铝合金等轴晶铸造材显微组织与拉伸性质之影响”;国立成功大学材料科学及工程学系硕士论文;2006.
- A study on the high performance concrete for the precast tunnel segments on Beijing metro line No. 北京地铁五号线预制盾构管片的高性能混凝土研究。
- The study on the matter of high performance cement is put forward from the angle of high performance concrete. 从配制高性能混凝土的角度出发,提出对水泥高性能化的研究。
- The design of high performance dustproof , the dinky maintenance. 高性能防尘设计,保养维护量极小。
- Based on the practice discussion is made on the marshal and construction techniques of high performance concrete. 结合工程实践,根据高性能混凝土高强度要求,对配制高性能混凝土的技术及施工工艺进行了论述。
- Edition review: Orrin Buss e is draws up a memo the counter-camera to display quite splendid is they achieves Gao Huazhi, the high performance and the high mobile characteristic. 编辑点评:奥林巴斯 e系列单反相机表现得比较出色的就是它们做到高画质、高性能和高机动性的特点。
- Mineral admixture plays an important role in applying concrete with high performance cementitious material. 摘要加人适当矿物掺合料是使水泥基材料达到高性能的重要手段之一。
- High performance communication telephone line, data line filters. 高性能通信电话及数据滤波器。
- How to Build High Performing Team? 高绩效团队建设?
- The Reseach of High Performance Virtual Digital Oscillograph. 高性能虚拟数字示波器的研究。
- National High Performance Computing Foundation under Grant No. 国家高性能计算基金。