- The sphene is a kind of stable mineral which is widely used in solidifing actinides separated from high level radioactive waste. 摘要榍石是一种稳定矿物,是人造岩石固化高放射性废弃物较理想的基材之一。
- It is widely attached importance to using it to solidify actinides which are separated form high level radioactive waste. 钙钛锆石是主要的人造岩石固化基材之一,在固化处理从高放废物中分离得到的锕系元素方面受到广泛重视。
- A proposed flowsheet for the removal of actinide elements from high level radioactive waste by TRPO extraction is presented. 提出了TRPO从高放废液中去除锕系元素流程简图。
- For its well properties showing in research about immobilizing high level radioactive waste,pyrochlore which stably exists in nature has been well studied in recent years. 自然界中稳定存在的烧绿石由于在高放废物固化研究中呈现出的良好特性,近年来得到了大量的研究。
- For its well properties showing in research about immobilizing high level radioactive waste, pyrochlore which stably exists in nature has been well studied in recent years. 自然界中稳定存在的烧绿石由于在高放废物固化研究中呈现出的良好特性,近年来得到了大量的研究。
- This paper reviews the history and progress of the R&D on geological disposal of high level radioactive waste (HLW) in China, and discusses the prospects for development. 摘要文章对我国高放废物地质处置研究的历史进行了回顾,并对未来发展进行了展望。
- Groundwater formation and distribution in the preselected Beishan area for the geologic disposal of high level radioactive waste are presented in the paper. 摘要本文论述北山地区不同类型地下水的形成和赋存规律。
- At 1 mol/L concentration of HNO3 of feed solution and after a few stages of extraction with 30% TRPO kerosene, over 99. 9% of Am, Pu, Np and U could be removed from HAW (high level radioactive waste) solution. 当料液酸度为1mol/L HNO_3时;经过几级萃取能有效地去除模拟料液中>99.;9%25的镅、钚;镎和铀。
- HLRW High Level Radioactive Waste 高等级放射性废料
- high level radioactive waste (HLW) 高放废物
- high level radioactive waste(HLW) 高放废物
- Keywords pyrochlore;high level radioactive waste;synroc;immobilization; 关键词烧绿石;高放射性废物;人造岩石;固化;
- The research on the key problem of the candidate of high level radioactive waste deposal 高放废物处置概念库设计中的关键技术问题
- On the host rock for the geological repositories of high level radioactive waste 论高放废物地质处置库围岩
- Keywords host rock;high level radioactive waste;geological disposal;granite;claystone;rock salt; 围岩;高放废物;地质处置;花岗岩;黏土岩;岩盐;
- The Application of CFC to the Groundwater Study in the Potential Repository Site for China's High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal CFC在中国高放废物处置库预选区地下水研究中的应用
- An application of Comprenhensive Geophysical Methods to site evaluation for candidate high level radioactive waste disposal areas 综合地球物理方法在高放废物处置场址特性评价中的应用
- Progress in studies of uranium deposits as the natural analogues to the repository for high level radioactive waste disposal in the world 铀矿床作为高放废物处置库天然类似物的国内外研究进展
- Fractal characteristic of fractures in Jiujing, Beishan area, Gansu Province--The potential site for high level radioactive waste repository in China 甘肃北山预选区旧井地段断裂的分形特征--中国高放废物处置的潜在场址