- high land range 高地山脉
- Ridge of high land rising to high pointsat each end. 两峰间的凹下部分;鞍状山脊。
- In turn, high land prices make it hard for builders to finance affordable developments. 反过来,高昂的土地价格也使得开发商很难筹资开发经济型住房。
- A ridge of high land dividing two areas that are drained by different river systems. 分水岭将两个不同水系流经地区分开的脊状高地
- They have lifted water from the Yellow River onto the high land and reaped a good cotton harvest on a 300-acre tract. 他们把黄河水引上高原, 使300公亩棉田获得丰收。
- With premium, for example, high land costs caused developers can only build luxury flats to guarantee profits. 以地价为例,造成开发商土地成本过高,只能盖豪华楼宇来保证利润。
- Erase(?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore. 抹去:破坏召唤物,高几率,需要精灵矿。
- Seaweeds, or algae, do not have roots like higher land plants. 海菜即海澡同较高地势的植物一样,是无根的。
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore. 抹去:破坏召唤物,高几率,需要精灵矿。
- Taiwan, though an island, has high land an will survive as land even after the poles have melted. 台湾,虽然是一个岛,却有一些地势高的地方,即使在地极柱消失之后,它也将象陆地一样幸存下来。
- Objective: To investigate the mechanism of regulation on blood viscosity in hypoxia environment by observing the feature of hemorrheology in different crowd on high land. 目的:观察高原不同人群血液流变性特点,探讨低氧环境下人体血液粘度调节机制。
- Our plan is to produce food on the fish pond when it dried up during dry seasons.Crops and orchards can be grown on the high land in between fish ponds in a long term. 我们的计划是秋冬季在鱼塘底乾燥的土地上生产食物,鱼塘壆种植长期作物和果树。
- Ane they tumble from this higher land to meet the Ganges on the plains. 支流从高地往下流,与平原上的恒河汇合。
- The high lands still were raked by the declining rays of the winter sun. 较高的地方上,仍旧有冬日的残辉淡淡地映射着。
- Thus, the original developer is a person Mongolia Mongolia's government now become developers and local government complicity from high land prices, high housing prices, profit. 这样,原来是开发商一个人蒙政府蒙老百姓,现在变成了开发商和地方政府共谋从高地价、高房价中获利。
- The high land prices,high wages and high inflation that were recorded in the past few years have led to bubble economy. We need to make some adjustments to the way the economy is run. 香港过去多年的高地价、高工资和高通胀,使到香港经济存在着很大的泡沫成份,极需要进行必需的调整。
- The unexpected gravity of the Asian financial turmoil,coupled with the long-standing financial factors of high land prices,high labour costs and high inflation rates,have rendered us less effective in resisting the attack. 亚洲金融风暴的强度超乎想像,加上香港过去长期留存下来的高地价、高工资和高通胀等经济现象,削弱了香港自身的抵御能力。
- You should not have to buy at the highest land prices to get land you want, if you research land prices before hand. 如果事先查看过土地价格,就不会贸然以较高的价位买入土地了。
- Higher land value will lead to larger land leasing revenue from new land leases. 更高的土地价值将使得新出让土地获得的收益更大。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。