- Intrinsic Constraints on Very High Energy Emission in Gamma-ray Loud Blazars 活动星系核连续谱辐射
- high energy emission 高能辐射
- Institute for High Energy Physics. 高能物理研究所。
- High energy absorption and low reaction force. 制品具有高吸能,低反力的特点。
- High Energy Street Punk From Janpan! 日本超高能量的街头庞克团来台演出!!
- Sweet sorghum is a all-purpose renewable high energy crop. 甜高粱是一种多用途可再生的高能源作物。
- Some atoms decompose only after being bombarded with high energy particles. 有的原子受到高能粒子轰击之后才会裂变。
- Will the "winter" of high energy consumption industries come? 高耗能产业的"冬天"将至?
- Cambridge D.H.Perkins Introduction to High Energy Physics 4th ed. 高能物理学导论第4版。
- Operation of capital sized energy transfer array and other energy emission systems. 5% reduced capacitor need of capital energy emission systems per skill level. 操作重型能量传导及其他能量发出系统。每级技能减少能量发出武器所占电容5%25
- A high energy, coherent (single-wavelength) light source. 中义一种高能量、单波长的光源。
- To produce deuterium requires an environment of high energy. 为了产生氘,需要一个高能的环境。
- High energy prices are a growing source of discontent. 能源价格过高是不满的一个生长源头。
- Thylakoid lumen acidification induces high energy state quenching. 摘要类囊体腔的酸化可诱导高能态的猝灭。
- Experiment results show FCV has high energy efficiency. 理论和试验均验证了脉冲快速充电的可行性。
- Based on the Energy Emission Analysis (EEA), Semjon Kirlian's pictures prove that picture of the water with energy is red, while that of an ordinary water is black;much difference can be seen. 克里安照相证明,能量水的光是红色,一般水的光是黑色,这是就是最好的明证。
- They consider isotopes of great value for the study of high energy physics. 他们认为同位素对研究高能物理学有很大价值。
- More efforts should be concentrated on rectifying the economic development mode characterized by high energy consumption, high material consumption, high contamination and high emission. 应着力改变高能耗,高物耗,高污染,高排放的经济发展模式。
- One puzzling aspect of the image is the lack of evidence for thin filaments of high energy X-ray emission, thought to be an important site for cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants. 这张图片令人困惑的一点是,其中缺乏高能X射线辐射的精细纤维结构迹象,人们认为这样的结构是超新星遗迹中宇宙线加速的重要场所。
- All new Government buildings will be designed for high energy efficiency. 从今以后,所有新的政府建筑物都会采用高能源效益设计。