- To realize communism is our lofty ideal. 实现共产主义是我们的崇高理想。
- He was known to be a young man with lofty ideals. 人们都知道他是一个有抱负的青年。
- The tiny bird could never imagine that without a lofty ideal, without a high aim, the roc simply couldn't bear to live a minute. 蓬间雀怎么也无法想像,如果没有崇高的理想和远大的目标.即便是一分钟,鹏也备受煎熬!
- It's necessary to instil the minds of the youth with lofty ideals. 把崇高理想灌输到年青人的思想中去是很必要的。
- To be a teacher who is caring and eager to serve our community and a person with lofty ideal and high moral standards,who is ready to shoulder the onus in the education of our younger generation. 关心学生,服务社群,有崇高的理想和道德操守,承担作育英才的重大使命。
- To be a teacher who is caring and eager to serve our community and a person with lofty ideal and high moral standards, who is ready to shoulder the onus in the education of our younger generation. 关心学生,服务社群,有崇高的理想和道德操守,承担作育英才的重大使命。
- Young people should have lofty ideals and aims. 年轻人应该有崇高的理想和目标。
- But to talk big about the lofty ideal without doing any practical work will get one divorced from reality. 离开现实工作而空谈远大理想,就会脱离实际。
- The art makes the loftiest ideal and aspiration and the most lovable and hateful thing visualized and emotionalized. 艺术就是将生命中最崇高的理想、愿望、至爱、至憎,形象化、情调化。
- The Chinese people have high aspirations. 中国人民有志气。
- Ladies and Gentlemen, these are lofty ideals. 这些都是崇高的理想。
- An old hero still cherishes high aspirations. 居然还有钱,不如还顶,嘿嘿!
- The youth of our country have[has] lofty ideals. 我国的青年有崇高的理想。
- Mass culture impacts university campus culture, causing that the partial university students lose their lofty ideal. 大众文化对高校校园文化的冲击,导致部分大学生的崇高理想失落。
- The longer time to do as this way, the more discomfortable I feel.I need a method to accomplish my lofty ideal. 这又如何,看着每个结婚的人过关后悔的生活,又让我庆幸自己没那么做。
- Professional dedicated colleagues, intelligent business negotiations, lofty sentiments and high aspirations evinced by leaders will touch you deep feelings ever. 你会时常看到加班加点的敬业同事,你会时常注意到迸发智慧的商务谈判,你更能不断感受到领导们的豪情壮志以及良苦用心。
- Previously,mass customization was a promising but lofty ideal,and few believed it was possible to make serious money using the Internet. 在此之前,大批量定做仅仅是诱人的但高不可攀的目标,很少有人相信利用互联网能赚到大笔的钱。
- Have high aspirations and adopt a practical attitude. 既要有雄心壮志,也要有实事求是的精神。
- The realization of socialism and communism was the lofty ideal we Marxists set for ourselves during the revolutionary years. 我们马克思主义者过去闹革命,就是,必须为社会主义、共产主义崇高理想而奋斗。
- To care about the immediate interests only while forgetting the lofty ideal will result in the loss of direction of progress. 忘记远大理想而只顾眼前,就会失去前进方向。