- The children spent the whole afternoon together playing hide and seek. 整个下午孩子们都在一起玩捉迷藏游戏。
- They played at hide and seek in the garden. 他们在花园里玩捉迷藏。
- I used to play hide and seek with my friends here. 我过去和朋友们在这里玩藏猫猫。
- They played at hide and seek round the stone vases. 他们围着石头花瓶捉迷藏。
- The girls liked to play hide and seek. 那些女孩子喜欢捉迷藏。
- B: They are playing hide and seek out there. 他们在那里玩捉迷藏。
- Love is agreeing to play hide and seek. 爱是同意玩捉迷藏!
- His favorite game is hide and seek. 古牧最喜欢地游戏是捉迷藏。
- The boys gave us little trouble because they spent the whole afternoon together playing hide and seek. 这些男孩并不怎么麻烦我们,因为整个下午他们都在一起捉迷藏。
- Many children played at hide and seek in the garden. 许多孩子在花园里捉迷藏。
- Play a "Hide and Seek" game to review how to ask and tell the ways. 做“捉迷藏”的游戏复习怎样问路,指路。
- A number of pupils are playing hide and seek,the number of whomis twelve. 一些学生在那捉迷藏,(学生的)总数是十二人。
- The children gave us little trouble because they spent the whole evening together playing hide and seek. 孩子们并不怎么麻烦我们,因为他们整个晚上都在一起捉迷藏。
- We are like children who cover their eyes in a game of hide and seek and think that no one can see them. 我们就像玩躲猫猫的小孩子,蒙起眼睛就以为别人看不见了。
- A cute brat with a lot of tricks in her mind who makes fond of playing hide and seek with her buddies. 一个脑子里藏着许多鬼点子的可爱的女生,她喜欢和他的哥们们玩儿捉迷藏的游戏。
- I love you most. I love you this MUCH! Thoughout the day, we hide and seek; I love to see you smile. 白天我们捉迷藏,我喜欢看着你笑。我总是说:我找到你啦!小宝贝!
- Nothing but the sight of my uncle and his eyes playing hide and seek with mine, revived the force of my distrust. 只是一见到我伯伯的脸,见到他那双遇到我的眼锋时就鬼鬼祟祟、躲躲闪闪的眼睛,又使我恢复不信任的感觉。
- Think of them as children playing hide and seek, hoping and waiting to be discovered. 将记忆看做是在捉秘藏希望等待被发现的孩子。
- I enjoyed riding my bike and playing neighborhood games such as kick the can and hide and seek. 我喜欢骑我的小自行车,和小朋友一起玩,比如踢可乐罐和玩捉迷藏。
- Son, Downie like hide and seek, mischievous, blindfolded snakes on the girls on. 大儿子唐尼喜欢在捉迷藏时恶作剧,将蛇放在蒙着眼睛的女孩身上。