- Web services are being adopted in the marketplace as a mechanism for efficient process integration in the enterprise. Web服务作为企业中有效的流程集成的一种机制在市场中被采用。
- Energy efficient process converts up to 80% of the expended energy into useful heat to save costs. 能量的有效转换过程中,高达80%25的能源转化成为有用热,以节省成本。
- We at Horizon Group USA / DGI, LLC are implementing a simple lot coding system to create a more efficient process to identify when a product was manufactured. 我们在地平线组美国/工业署署长, LLC公司正在实施一个简单的很多编码系统,以创造一个更加有效率的过程,找出当产品制造的。
- The configuration management system with change control provides a standardized,effective,and efficient process to centrally manage changes within a project. 附带变更控制的配置管理系统是集中管理项目内变更的标准过程,且效率高、效果好。
- Hash joins can efficiently process large, unsorted, nonindexed inputs. 哈希联接可以有效处理未排序的大型非索引输入。
- Spermatogenesis is a complex and very efficient process that begins with the division and differentiation of the spermatogenic stem cell within the seminiferous tubule of the testis. 精子发生是一个复杂的过程,涉及到由精原细胞转化为初级精母细胞的有丝分裂过程,又经历了从初级精母细胞形成精子细胞的减数分裂过程,最后精子细胞经过变态形成精子。
- This shows that Alzheimer's patients no longer maximize learning and memory, which is a fairly efficient process in healthy people, said the researchers, from the University of Washington in St. 研究展示了,老年痴呆症患者不在有最大的学习和记忆力,研究者从华盛顿大学说,那一个是完全有能力处理人们的健康。
- "When you look at the dollars it seems outrageous," Mr Giusto says."But if there is an efficient process and they get you to the right investors then they earn every penny they charge. 一如吉奥斯托先生所说:“从金额上看,收费似乎高得离谱,但假如他们能提供一个高效的过程,为企业引荐合适的投资者群体,那他们所收的每一分钱都是值得的。”
- The application of a efficient processing aid WAC-88 in large dimeter pipes used for supplied water was introduced. 对高效加工助剂WAC在大口径给水管材中的应用进行了研究,并与加工助剂ACR进行对比试验。
- You need to efficiently process pairs of data from two large and related data sets. 你需要有效的处理来自于两个大的相关数据集合的数据对。
- Hi, welcome back to "Let's Talk". 大家好,欢迎再次收看“你说我说”栏目。
- They also use a special set of instructions designed to very efficiently process communications functions -- usually in one processor cycle. 它们也采用特殊的指令集,设计成非常有效地、通常在一个处理器周期内处理通信功能。
- Then, analysis of the model reveals a most controllable and efficiently process. 对其模型进行研究,从而得出一个可控制的,更加有效的设计过程。
- Hi, Maxine I need your advice. Got a minute? 嗨,麦卡西。我想听一下你的建议。有时间吗?
- Management should involve suppliers and partners in defining and implementing effective and efficient processes to protect purchased material. 在确定和实施有效和高效的过程以保护采购材料时,管理者应当吸收供方和合作者参加。
- Chinchillas eat and digest desert grasses and cannot efficiently process fatty foods or too many green plants. 龙猫可以吃并且消化沙漠中的草品种,但不能吃富含脂肪的食物或太多的绿色植物。
- They also use a special set of instructions designed to very efficiently process communications functions--- usually in one processor cycle. 它们也采用特殊的指令集,设计成非常有效地、通常在一个处理器周期内处理通信功能。
- Charles started reading when hi was knee-high to a grasshopper. 查尔斯在很小的时候就开始读书了。
- Hi, guy, I have got a lot of oranges, take as many as you like. 喂,哥儿们,我弄到了许多桔子,随便拿吧。
- This is a highly efficient new heating system. 这是个高效的新取暖系统。