- heuristic teachin 创新性
- I 'm teachin' him how to play ping pong. 比如我们说:"都告诉你几百遍了你还记不住。
- It belongs to heuristic optimization methods. 该算法是一种启发式的搜索寻优方法。
- The study and application of heuristic methods and processes. 探试学探试性方法及程序的研究和应用
- I’m teachin’ him how to play pingpong.He’s really good. 有的人美貌,拥有美貌,她也得到了她的满足和便利;
- From forced-feeding method of teaching to heuristic education. 从灌输式教育转为启发式教育;
- Both of them constitute the heuristic “theory of modernist”. 二者合一,构成颇具启发性的“现代人理论”。
- To fix this, we need a more complex filtering heuristic. 要解决这个问题,我们需要更复杂些的启发式过滤器。
- It also set up the rational of new technique of sports event teachin... 教学体系的多元化与软式化策略。
- AutoStraighten uses a heuristic method to straighten out wavy panoramas. 自动展平使用启发式的/发式的方法改正输出全景图的波形。
- Is "Puzzled Feeling" Really the Result of Confucious'Heuristic Teaching? "愤悱"是孔子启发教学的结果吗?
- Harmer,Jeremy.2000.How to Teac English.Beijing:Foreign Language Teachin and Press. 袁沛.;2001
- This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching. 摘要对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。
- This paper is intended to discuss about the deridin method in organic synthesis the teachin. 但是学生往往在有机合成上感到困难,缺乏合成技巧,本文就拆分法在有机合成教学中的应用谈几点体会。
- I 'm teachin' him how to play ping pong.We fish a lot, and every night we read a book. 它使美国人重新审视国家和个人的过去,重新反省美国人的本质。
- Construction of excellent courses is an important component of teachin g quality and reform in college and university. 精品课程建设是高等学校教学质量与教学改革的重要组成部分。
- Multimedia Computer -Aided Instruction(MCAI )is widely used in the medical teachin g as a new modern artifice. 多媒体计算机辅助教学(CAI)作为一种新兴的现代化的教学手段,正迅速走进医学课程教学。
- In this paper we study heuristic algorithm for restoration based on DXC and optimal assignment of spare capacity. 本文重点讨论基于DXC的启发式网络恢复算法和备用容量的优化分配问题。
- According to the orthodoxy, metaphors only play a secondary, heuristic role in the context of discovery. 按照传统的看法,隐喻仅仅在科学发现的与境中发挥着次要的启发作用。
- How could critical mathematicians, wellversed in Greek mathematics, have been content to operate on a heuristic basis? 那些对希腊数学造诣很深的、关于批评的数学家们,怎么能满足于在启发性的基础上进行工作呢?