- AutoStraighten uses a heuristic method to straighten out wavy panoramas. 自动展平使用启发式的/发式的方法改正输出全景图的波形。
- Method During the course of clinical teaching, clinical teaching ability was improved by the heuristic method, through analysis of pathogeny of haematuria. 方法在临床教学中,通过启发式教学,从血尿病因分析出发培养实习医师正确的临床思维能力。
- The study and application of heuristic methods and processes. 探试学探试性方法及程序的研究和应用
- A new combinatorial dispatching rule, RAN(FCFS,ODD), and a heuristic method are designed. 设计了一种组合式调度规则RAN(FCFS,ODD),并提出了基于规则的启发式算法以及该类动态Job shop调度问题的算例生成方法。
- Local search is a very important heuristic method for the job shop scheduling problem. 邻域搜索是一种很重要的求解工件加工调度问题的启发式算法。
- This paper emphasizes the heuristic method and process-oriented approach to the teaching of translation. 本文主要强调启发式和以翻译过程为导向的教学法。
- The solution shows only minor mismatches in the integer variables, which are easily corrected by a simple heuristic method. 针对计算结果中整数变量存在微小偏差的问题,采用启发式技术进行修正。
- This paper deseribes the computer realization of a heuristic method to solve the bottleneck transportation problem with resources constrained. 介绍了资源受限条件下求解运输瓶颈问题的启发式方法的计算机实现。
- Considering the speediness requirement of scheduling algorithm under simulation environment,a fast heuristic method based on rules is proposed. 考虑到仿真环境对调度算法的高时效性要求,提出了一种快速高效的基于规则的启发式构造算法。
- An improved heuristic method for Optimum searching of mixed discrete variable problems, i. e. a mixed discrete expanded complex programming method(MDECP)is presented. 目前,本文基于现有混合离散变量优化方法的基本思想,提出了一种改进的混合离散变量问题的试探性寻优方法,即MDECP法。 该法首先对文献[2]的“有效函数”定义作了一定的改进,即进行了规一化处理和对等式约束问题建立了“缓冲区”;
- Extremal optimization(EO) algorithm is a new heuristic method, whose principle is to select and update the worst variable, and improve the fitness of the whole problem. 摘要极值优化(EO)算法是新开发的一种启发式算法,其基本思想是更新适值最差的变量,提高目标函数的适值。
- This paper proposes a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm(HGA) based on a serial scheduling heuristic method to solve the Resource-Constrained Transport Task Scheduling Problem(RCTTSP). 摘要 在利用串行调度启发式方法解决资源受限的运输任务调度问题(RCTTSP)的基础之上,提出了一种混合遗传算法(HGA)。
- A heuristic method or process. 探索探索性的方法或过程
- In another part, apagoge is used in this paper to tell us that not all the stability conditions deduced by the heuristic method are the necessary computational stability conditions, which should be given attention in their applications. 在文章的另一部分,反证法的运用表明了从启示性方法推导来的稳定性条件并非全都是必要条件,在应用中应引起注意。
- It absorbs the strong points of the heuristic method and dynamic programming method in solving such problems,and overcomes the tediousness of the above methods. 它吸收了用启发式方法和动态规划法解决这类问题的优点,克服了用上述方法重复繁琐之处。
- Develops cutting plane methods, integral basis methods, enumerative and heuristic methods and approximation algorithms. 阐述割平面方法、积分的基本方法、枚举和启发式方法和逼近演算法。
- Experimental results show that this algorithm is of better performance than other heuristic methods. 实验结果表明该算法性能优于其它启发式算法。
- Based on the classical fuzzy cmeans(FCM), a function for measuring clustering validity and a heuristic method to calibrate the fuzzy exponet iteratively are defined, and a practical fuzzy neural network model is proposed. 在传统的模糊C-均值算法的基础上,给出了一个衡量聚类有效性的函数和确定模糊指数的启发式方法,并给出了应用该算法的具体的模糊神经网络模型。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- Although genetic algorithm (GA) and several heuristic methods have been proposed to solve Flow-shop Scheduling problem (FSP) in many literature. 虽然基因演算法与其它启发式方法在许多相关文献中已被证实可解决流程型工厂排程问题(FSP)。