- heuristic decision processes 启发式思维
- A decision tree is a graphic model of a decision process. 决策树是描述决策过程的一种图形。
- Information and its application to decision process. 信息及决策过程中的运用。
- This exception is thrown by the commit operation to report that a heuristic decision was made and that all relevant updates have been rolled back. 该异常由提交操作抛出,表示已经试探性决定已作出,但所有相关更新已经回滚。
- Thrown to indicate that a heuristic decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed while others have been rolled back. 抛出表示试探性决定已经作出,某些相关更新已提交,然而其它一些被回滚。
- HeuristicMixedException - Thrown to indicate that a heuristic decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed while others have been rolled back. 抛出表示已经确定,某些相关更新已提交,然而其它一些被回滚。
- This exception is thrown by the rollback operation on a resource to report that a heuristic decision was made and that all relevant updates have been committed. 该异常由针对某资源的回滚操作抛出,表示已经确定回滚,但所有相关更新已经提交。
- This exception is thrown to report that a heuristic decision was made and that some relevant updates have been committed and others have been rolled back. 该异常抛出表示已经试探性决定已作出,但某些相关更新已提交,另一些则被回滚。
- Here, once again, you should consider the necessity of a stateful interaction model as part of your decision process. 这里再强调一次,您应当将有状态交互模型的必要性作为决策过程的一部分进行考虑。
- The reasoning is an attempt to align it with the endpoint address selection decision process. 这种层次划分的原因在于试图将它与端点地址选择决策流程结合起来。
- The following drawing shows the decision process that Access follows when it encounters an unsafe expression. 下图显示了Access在遇到不安全的表达式时进行判定的过程。
- The following drawing shows the decision process that you follow to run unsafe expressions. 下图显示了运行不安全表达式时的决策过程。
- He felt the decision process was passing him by, therefore he should say something. 他觉得决策的进程一闪即逝,因此,他得谈点什么才行。
- The second is that the author elucidates the VoIP routing driving policy, decision process and relevant service model. 第二经过详细的模型研究,论文给出了性能测试过程中所采用的IP电话路由驱动机制,决策过程以及相应的服务模型;
- This topic also introduces the recommended decision process for selecting the availability solution that is appropriate for your organization. 本主题还为选择适合您的组织的可用性解决方案提供了建议的决策过程。
- The fourth step in the decision process is implementation carrying out the alternatives identified and selected in the previous steps. 决策过程的第四步是实施,即执行前几阶段确认并选定的方案。
- The optimal control policy of machine service rate and preventive maintenance rate is derived from Markovian optimal decision process formulation. 我们运用马尔可夫最优决策过程归纳方法,导出机器服务率和预防维护率的最优控制策略。
- Ph.D, Professor, UTA. Main research interests: Organization-Environment Interactions, Strategic Decision Processes, Outsourcing, Franchising and International Management. 博士,美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿商学院教授。主要研究方向:组织与环境相互作用,战略性决定过程,采购,特许和国际管理。
- The statistical analysis of the coding modes led to an early termination strategy for the macroblock mode decision process. 同时结合宏块的运动和纹理信息分析,根据宏块的特征来选择编码模式。
- There is no need for leaders to “centralize” and absolute democratic decision process can lead to the best results too. 不需要有领导来“集中”,绝对的民主决策也能获得最佳结果。