- Describe techniques for extracting from heterogeneous data sources. 简述异构数据源中的数据抽取技术。
- Distributed queries access data from multiple heterogeneous data sources. 分布式查询从多异类数据源中访问数据。
- Information of interest to the user is typically distributed among multiple heterogeneous data sources. 用户所关心的信息通常分布在多个异类数据源中。
- This approach poses a challenge for data synchronization between heterogeneous data stores. 这种方法为异构数据存储之间的数据同步带来了挑战。
- Combine data from heterogeneous data sources into a single homogenous structure. 将来自异类数据源的数据组合为单个同类结构。
- Data Warehouse serves for the decision, in which the data is collected from all kinds of heterogeneous data sources. 摘要数据仓库是为决策服务的,这里的数据是从各种异构的数据源中采集过来的。
- Second, establish a SRW mutual handle platform which can extend flexibly heterogeneous Data Source. 2、 其次,建立一个能够灵活扩展异构数据源的SRW互操作平台。
- Grid adopts some open standards, with its own service format to transparently access heterogeneous data resources. 网格服务采用开放标准,以其特有的“服务”形式为异构数据提供一致透明的访问。
- XML is probably most similar to object databases in data modeling, inasmuch as it also consists of nodes, and nodes can contain heterogeneous data. XML可能与数据建模中的对象数据库最为相象,因为它同样也是由节点组成的,并且每个节点都可以包含异类数据。
- But using data stores to address these concerns can result in problems with data synchronization between heterogeneous data stores. 但是用数据存储解决这些问题可能会给异构数据存储之间的数据同步带来一些问题。
- Analyze distributed multiplayer application based on COM/DCOM, bring forward a network model of heterogeneous data mutual-operation. 在基于COM/DCOM的分布式多层应用基础上,实现了一种基于ADO的异构数据互操作网络模型。
- Study on XML data model of structured and half-structured and Web data shows that this model is fit for transition of heterogeneous data. 研究了结构化、半结构化以及网页数据的XML数据模型;该模型适合异构数据之间转换.
- The system (WebDX) of exchanging heterogeneous data resources based on the multi-tiers B/S model layered EJB tiers component pattern was realized. 4)实现了基于多层B/S模式、分层EJB组件的异构数据交换系统(WebDX)。
- Heterogeneous data integration provides a unified global view of data for various autonomous,heterogeneous and distributed data. 异构数据集成为不同自治、异构、分布的数据提供一个统一的全局数据视图。
- The information integration of IT systems in power plants involves many heterogeneous data sources, and has the demand for real-time information query. 摘要文章认为发电厂IT系统的信息集成涉及许多异构的数据源,并且有不同程度的实时信息查询的需求。
- Due to its extensibility and ability of self-description and other characteristics,XML provides a new way for heterogeneous data exchange. XML的可扩展性和自描述性以及其它特性为异构数据交换提供了新的思路。
- Based XML,this paper introduces a mode for heterogeneous data exchange system,discusses the function of every module in system and its workflow. 基于XML该文提出了一个异构数据交换的系统模型并探讨了该系统中各模块的功能和工作流程。
- Then the heterogeneous data are transformed into the desired formats using Data Transformation Service (DTS) technology. 接著利用资料转换服务技术将异质性资料转成所要的格式。
- The first major step toward a self-healing solution is the ability to correlate and analyze heterogeneous data from all components acting in a solution. 迈向自修复解决方案的第一个主要步骤是,能够对来自解决方案中所有组件的数据进行关联和分析。
- In the environment of heterogeneous data sources integration using grid technology,the problem of semantic query can be solved through introducing ontology. 利用网格技术实现的异构数据源集成环境中,引入本体可以解决网格数据的语义查询问题。