- They are the people from diverse cultures. 他们是些有着不同文化背景的人。
- Hodgson, 2003).When firms establish production linkages in a new country they are faced with a heterogeneous cultural and institutional environment. 当公司在一个新的城市建立产品联系时,它们面对的是不同的文化和制度环境。
- She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries. 她研究过东方各国的文化。
- heterogeneity cultures 异质文化
- Because of these obstacles, the main bodies of cross-cultural communication cannot view heterogeneous culture objectively but with bias or self-abasement, which makes cross-cultural communication obstructed. 这些障碍的存在,使得跨文化沟通主体在审视异质文化时不自觉地带来干扰信息,带来对异质文化先验的偏见或自卑,从而造成跨文化沟通的严重受阻。
- The two loci all have sequence heterogeneity. 两基因座均存在序列异质性。
- A common language is a bridge between different cultures. 共同的语言是不同文化之间交流的桥梁。
- He has studied the cultures of various western countries. 他研究了各西方国家的文化。
- In the rush to go folkloric watch out for collision of cultures. 在民俗化的热潮中,要提防不同文化的冲突。
- The narration of Maugham which suffered from the impaction of heterogeneity culture 多元文化冲击下的毛姆叙事
- Alai's poetry: Spiritual and physial change Between Heterogeneous Cultures 阿来的诗:穿行于异质文化间的身心之旅
- Histology heterogeneity overlaps with other vascular malformations. 部分组织病理学具有与其它血管畸形重叠的特点。
- In some ways, ours is a clash of cultures. 从某种意义上来说,我们的冲突是不同文化间的冲突。
- Heterogeneity was assessed with chi-square statistics. 用卡方检验评估异质性。
- Heterogeneity allows the coexistence of the inconsistent elements. 异质性允许不一致的东西共存。
- A common language is a bridge between cultures. 一种通用语言是沟通各国文化的桥梁。
- It suggested that there may be genetic heterogeneity in PJS. 提示,PJS可能有遗传异质性。
- Soil nutrient and water have a great spatiotemporal heterogeneity. 在森林土壤中;养分和水分具有很大的时间和空间异质性.
- In some ways,ours is a clash of cultures. 从某种意义上来说,我们的冲突是不同文化间的冲突。
- Yogurt is made from active cultures. 酸奶是由活性培养菌制成的。