- heterochronic restitution 不同时恢复
- These goods were compelled restitution. 这些物品被责令退回。
- Restitution is more important than retribution. 赔偿比惩罚重要。
- You should make restitution for the damage done. 你应该为所造成的损害赔偿。
- China wants restitution," Gomez said. 中方要求归还.
- Restitution is more important than retribution . 赔偿比惩罚重要。
- The court ordered the restitution of assets to the company. 法院命令将资产归还给公司。
- About $45 million will be put in a restitution fund for victims. 其中,大约有4500万美元将用于赔偿此案的受害者。
- Forgive even when there has been no apology or restitution. 即使没有一句抱歉,没有任何弥补,也可以宽恕。
- Gap creationism, also called Restitution creationism ? 间隙创造学说,也称作归还创造说?
- The court ordered the restitution of assets to the company . 法院命令将资产归还给公司。
- She was ordered to make full restitution to her employer. 被告亦须向其雇主归还全部款项。
- Ascension brings about restitution of all karmic manipulations. 提升带来了对所有业力操控的归还。
- The behavior disposition of restitution is gradational. 移情性悲伤驱动认知归因;
- This was a very touching ceremony and a big restitution for us. 这是一个非常感人的仪式,也是一个对我们的巨大重生。
- His fight for freedom and privilege and restitution was not over yet. 他为自由、权利、复业的斗争还在进行。
- It is only fair that those who do the damage should make restitution. 损害者应给予赔偿是公正的。
- To handle an invalid contrac must abide by the principle of restitution. 处理无效合同应当遵循恢复原状的原则。
- "But if it is actually stolen from him, he shall make restitution to its owner. 若女子的父亲决不肯将女子给他、他就要按处女的聘礼、交出钱来。
- It's only fair that those who do the damage should make restitution. 损坏东西的人应负责赔偿, 这是再公平不过的了。