- Method: In MEBO group,23 cases of herpes corneae involving 29 eyes were treated with MEBO and in control group, 22 cases of the same diseaseinvolving 28 eyes were treated with conventional method. 方法:治疗组23例(29眼),在常规治疗的基础上外涂MEBO治疗;对照组22例(28眼),采用传统疗法。结果:两组患者均治愈,治疗组22例(28眼)疼痛缓解,缓解率为95。
- herpes corneae [医] 角膜疱疹
- Objective: To investigate therapeutic effect of cornea toxicide for treating herpes simplex viral keratitis. 摘要目的:观察角膜解毒剂对单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎的疗效。
- There are two types of the Herpes virus. 有两种类型的疱疹病毒。
- Surgical incision of the cornea. 角膜切开术外科中对角膜的切开
- Vesicles of herpes simplex occur around the lips. 唇部可发生单纯疱疹。
- What drug does herpes use sorely excuse me? 请问泡疹疼痛用什么药?
- Objective:To investigate therapeutic effect of cornea toxicide for treating herpes simplex viral keratitis. 目的:观察角膜解毒剂对单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎的疗效。
- Light enters the eye through the cornea. 光通过角膜进入眼睛。
- Surgical removal of a part of the cornea. 角膜切除术对角膜的一部分进行的外科切除
- White scars remain on his cornea. 他的眼角膜上留下了萝卜花的瘢痕。
- Myrrh, mixed with coriander and honey, was used to treat herpes. 没药,同胡荽和蜂蜜混和,用来治疗疱疹。
- One solution is to implant a donor cornea. 一种解决办法就是植入捐赠的角膜。
- Why does the cornea have two curves? 为什么角膜会有两个不同的曲率值?
- Herpes Simplex Virus( HSV) encephalitis has its own neuroanatomy. 单纯疱疹病毒脑炎有特有的神经解剖学特征。
- Q19. I feel ashamed and dirty I have herpes, is it common? 问题19:我因患有疱疹而感到羞耻和肮脏,疱疹是很常见的吗?
- Another tactic keeps herpes well-shielded from immune attack. 疱疹病毒还有另外一种方法可以很好地逃避免疫攻击。
- It is important to avoid contracting herpes during pregnancy. 重要的是避免与伴侣有性接触;在怀孕期间.
- Herpes simplex:Infection caused by herpes simplex virus. 单纯疹: 亦称感冒疮或发热性疹。由单纯疹病毒引起的感染疾
- Herpes simplex:Infection caused by herpes simplex virus. 单纯疹:亦称感冒疮或发热性疹。由单纯疹病毒引起的感染疾病。