- Liaoning Province is the heritage conservation units. 是辽宁省文物保护单位。
- Babaoshan tomb group key national heritage conservation units. 八宝山古墓群为全国重点文物保护单位。
- As Tongzhou District of heritage conservation units. 列为通州区文物保护单位。
- Bao Ensi tower is a milestone for JiangProvincial heritage conservation units. 大报恩寺塔碑现为江苏省文物保护单位。
- Research fields: Streetscape / Heritage conservation and regeneration. 研究方向:街道景观/遗产保护与更新。
- Aksu Kizil GA Cheonbuldong Kazakhstan is the regional focus of heritage conservation units. 阿克苏克孜尔尕哈千佛洞是自治区重点文物保护单位。
- Dongyang Lu house in the town of Dongyang, Zhejiang, Wu Ning, is the focus of heritage conservation units. 东阳卢宅位于浙江省东阳市吴宁镇,是全国重点文物保护单位。
- December 12, 1989, as a provincial-level key heritage conservation units ruins of the town of Haikou Haiphong. 1989年12月12日,列为省级重点文物保护单位镇海口海防遗址之一。
- Cibei in December 1994 was classified as Yixing municipal heritage conservation units. 此碑于1994年12月被列为宜兴市市级文物保护单位。
- East of the Basilica in 1984 by the Qinhuai District People's Government listed as heritage conservation units. 东面的大殿在1984年由秦淮区人民政府挂牌成为文物保护单位。
- June 1963, Henan Province, announced the first batch of provincial heritage conservation units. 1963年6月,公布为河南省第一批省级文物保护单位。
- Help the government and the RHF to disseminate the knowledge of city heritage and the idea of heritage conservation. 协助政府与阮仪三基金会等专业机构宣传遗产保护理念,普及城市遗产知识。
- This paper presents some successful examples in conservation and sums up the significance of heritage conservation in Australia to China. 本文介绍了几个较为成功的保护实例,同时指出澳洲文物保护工作对我国重要的启示意义。
- Ahn Jung Fort Fujian Province is best-preserved ancient architecture of the Bentu, 1991 was classified as provincial heritage conservation units. 安贞堡是福建省保存最完好的古代夯土建筑之一,1991年被列为省级文物保护单位。
- November 1996, the State Council announced this four Zhangzhou urban Church, for the fourth instalment of key national heritage conservation units. 1996年11月,国务院公布漳州市区这四座牌坊,为第四批全国重点文物保护单位。
- Is now a "revolutionary history Changting pavilion", in 1988 the State Council announced a national focus on heritage conservation units. 现为“长汀革命历史陈列馆”,1988年国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。
- My reservation is a more complete ancient village complex is one of Mentougou District focus on heritage conservation units. 是我国保留较完整的山村古建筑群之一,是门头沟区重点文物保护单位。
- Tap-new promenade 180 meters, and supported by Pataki Shilan, a Huanwen landscape. 1983 published as Shiping County heritage conservation units. 塔周新建长廊180米,并配以塔基石栏,构成焕文景观。1983年公布为石屏县文物保护单位。
- I was not keen on history and heritage before, but I began to understand the importance of heritage conservation after joining the Young Friends of Heritage Scheme. 本来我对历史文物并不感兴趣,但参与青少年文物之友计划后,令我知道保护文物的重要性。
- We have not only learned a great deal by joining the Young Friends of Heritage Scheme, but also recognized that Heritage conservation requires procedures and techniques. 青少年文物之友计划除增加了我们对文物的认识外,更让我明白到保护文物原来是十分讲求步骤及技巧的。