- herbarium sptcimen 维管植物标本
- I like to visit the Plants Herbarium. 我喜欢参观植物标本馆。
- There are few herbarium specimens of this species. 很少有这种物种的标本。
- It is usually a dried specimen stored in a herbarium but may also be a drawing. 常常是存放于干燥标本集中的干燥标本,也可能为素描图。
- A total of 1,066 herbarium specimens collected from 1908 to 2003 were analyzed. 通过对1908-2003年中总计1066份标本进行分析,我们发现: 1) 标本记录能够较好地反映喜旱莲子草的扩散历史。
- A quantitative analysis of herbarium materials of the Photinia villosa Complex. 毛叶石楠种群蜡叶材料的定量分析.
- The above description of the flower is based on herbarium specimens. 花的上述描述基于标本馆标本。
- No hothouse or herbarium contains anything comparable; no wilted, browned specimens pressed between paper rival it. 它们精细到连根部微小的短硬毛也模仿得栩栩如生,就像生长在土壤中的植物。
- On 1924 expedition Rock collected 20,000 herbarium specimens and many packages of propagative material. 1924年的探险旅程洛克采集了20,000份植物标本并打包了许多繁衍样本。
- The course is designed to provide how to collect and treat plant specimens in the field and the herbarium management. 本课程主要教导学生如何在野外正确采集与处理新鲜标本以及标本馆经营管理。
- This web site's main content is the collections of the United States National Herbarium. 同时网站提供美国国家植物标本馆首页、研究情况、出版物(时事通讯、书目)等的链接。
- Type specimens are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of South China Agricultural University (SCHM), Guangzhou. 华南农业大学热带亚热带真菌研究室,广州,510642;
- A herbarium of preserved plant specimens is closely associated with the living collection. 园内收集的植物标本同所培养的植物也有着紧密的关系。
- Seed surface is unclearly observed of contaminated small seeds collected from herbarium specimens. 腊叶标本中微小种子表面的污染物会影响对其表面特征的观察。
- During her lifetime, she assembled a collection of pressed plants in a sixty-six page leather-bound herbarium. 她曾将压花收集到一本66页的皮制封面的标本集中。
- All studied samples were deposited at the herbarium of the institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IFP). 这些种类来自作者长期的采集、记载和鉴定,全部标本保存在中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所生物标本馆。
- Based on study of herbarium specimens and published materials on Hedysarum, present paper confirms the occurrence of Hedysarum austrosibiricum B. 摘要根据对标本的研究及文献资料的整理,证实了西伯利亚岩黄芪在中国的分布;
- Most serious threat to herbarium sheets is insect pest, the protection and control of which constitute one of the main works in herbarium management. 摘要虫害是植物标本保藏的最大威胁。防虫一直是植物标本馆管理工作的重点。
- Based on both herbarium examination and field investigation, the ranges of Schisandra chinensis and S. sphenanthera have been studied and corrected. 在标本室检查和野外考察的基础上,对北五味子和华中五味子的分布区作了订正。
- Rogers S O,Bendich A J.Extractionof DNA from Milligram Amounts of Fresh,Herbarium and Mummified Plant Tissues.Plant MolBiol,1985,5(2):69. 扬振棠,胡桂珍,李方元.;植物激素影响离体西洋参胚的萌发与幼苗生长