- Objective To investigate the analgesic effect of urgotul on infected wound surface at stage of granulation tissue treated by hydropathic compress with herbal yellow water gauze. 目的探讨优拓用于伤科黄水纱布湿敷感染创面肉芽组织期的止痛效果。
- herbal yellow water 伤科黄水
- Common phenomenon: in the morning there is yellow water discharging from tap, and the phenomenon smelling is thick. 常见现象:早上起来发现水龙头流出黄水;水中有很重的漂白纷的味道;
- Yellow water flavoring liquid was produced by yellow water after primary filtration and addition of high activity bio-enzyme processed by catalyzing beat cracking. 摘要将黄水粗滤后,添加高活性生物酶进行催化热裂处理,制得黄水调味液。
- Yellow water, as the byproduct in liquor production, contains rich lactobacilli, butyric acid bacteria, caproic acid bacteria and microzyme etc. 黄水是白酒酿造过程中的副产物,其含有丰富的乳酸菌、丁酸菌、己酸菌、酵母菌等微生物资源。
- Making use of the yellow water esterified liquid to improve the famous liquor rate,which is one of the best way to reduce the production cost. 利用黄水酯化液,提高洋河名酒率,不失为降低酿酒生产成本的一条捷径。
- Yellow water contains abundant nutritional materials and rich domesticated clostridium, so it is named quality liquid pit mud. 黄水中含有丰富的营养物质以及大量经驯化了的梭状芽孢杆菌,是优质的“液体窖泥”。
- Such pipelines spent some time off the water washed bullets, Yi feet, a yellow water and furring, causing water to the secondary pollution. 这种管道用了一段时间后经水冲刷镀层脱落,易锈蚀,形成黄水和水垢,造成自来水的二次污染。
- In September 2005,"yellow water disease" named by the local people broke out in the cultured mud crab Scylla serrata in the Shanmen area,Zhejiang,and resulted in high mortality. 利用光镜和电镜对2005年9月浙江三门湾地区某养殖场发生的养殖锯缘青蟹规模性死亡病蟹进行观察,并对病原进行分子生物学鉴定。
- Yellow water flavoring liquid was produced by yellow water after primary filtration and addition of high activity bio-enzyme processed by catalyzing heat cracking. 将黄水粗滤后,添加高活性生物酶进行催化热裂处理,制得黄水调味液。该黄水调味液具有窖香、糟香的复合香和尾净的特点。
- The distillation process of Sichuan Xiaoqu liquor by glutinous sorghum was as follows: yellow water discharge, steamer-filling, steaming, and management of grains blending. 摘要川法糯高粱小曲酒操作法的蒸馏工序操作包括放黄水、装甑、蒸酒、配糟管理;
- In the strange half-light, the tall pines of the river swamp, so warmly green in the sunshine, were black against the pastel sky, an impenetrable rom of black giants hiding the slow yellow water at their feet. 在这奇异的朦胧中,河边沼泽里的高大松树,在阳光下呈那么温暖的绿色,此刻在柔和的天空的映衬下却呈黑色,像一排无法穿越的黑巨人把慢慢流动的黄浊的水流掩藏在脚下。
- In the strange half-light, the tall pines of the river swamp, so warmly green in the sunshine, were black against the pastel sky, an impenetrable row of black giants hiding the slow yellow water at their feet. 河边湿地上那些在阳光下郁郁葱葱的高大松树,在奇异的朦胧暮色中,如今已变得黑糊糊的,与暗淡的天色两相映衬,好像一排黑色巨人站在那里,把脚下缓缓流过的黄泥河水给遮住了。
- She suddenly felt that this was where she belonged, not in serene and quiet old cities, flat beside yellow waters. 她顿时觉得这才是她所适合的地方了,而那些躺在黄水旁边的古老幽静的城市却是她生来就不习惯的。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Yellow water is a by-product during the production of a highly flavor type Daqu liquor.It is rich in aromatic substances, such as acid, ester, ethanol, aldehydes, and many beneficial microbes. 黄水是浓香型大曲酒发酵过程中的副产物,含有丰富的酸、酯、醇、醛等香味物质,还含有较多的有益微生物;
- Out on a 300-meter-long catwalk over the Yellow Water Billabong, an excited gaggle of birdwatchers track a sea eagle circling overhead with a fish in its beak, with another eagle in hot pursuit. 在横越黄水河洼地的300公尺狭窄通道上的另一端,一群兴奋吵闹的赏鸟者正在追踪一只海鸥,牠的嘴里叼著一条鱼,盘旋在赏鸟者头顶,旁边还跟著另一只纠缠不休的海鸥。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The dipping of barium sulphide - black ash,the setting of yellow water (barium sulphide solution) and the treating technology of sludge and the remaking of equipment are introduced. 介绍了硫化钡黑灰的浸取、黄水(硫化钡溶液)的沉清和污泥处理工艺和设备改进。
- Blown leaves a yellow water, the water immediately scale ripple-like, look good, then, a gust of wind blowing, leaves more "flying" down, like a little fairy, from the leapfrog air. 一片枯黄的落叶飘到水里,水面上立即荡起鱼鳞般的波纹,煞是好看,紧接着,一阵风吹过,更多的树叶“飞”了下来,像一只只小仙子,从空中跃过。