- The herbal remedy feverfew has shown some efficacy in preventing migraine. 菊科类草药有预防性治疗的效果。
- Black cohosh, a perennial herb member of the buttercup family, is the most widely used herbal remedy for hot flashes. 黑升麻,毛莨属植物家族中的多年生草本植物成员,是治疗热潮红的最常用草本植物。
- Taking the herbal remedy echinacea can more than halve the risk of catching a common cold, US researchers say. 美国的研究人员说,服用紫锥花草药可以减低患普通感冒的危险降低一半。
- Do natural or herbal remedies fight cancer? 天然药物或者草药方剂能治癌吗?
- This doctor often uses herbal remedies. 这个医生常用草药治病。
- Some people swear by herbal remedies. 一些人信赖草药疗法。
- What has been your experience with Chinese herbal remedies? 你对中药治疗有何经验?
- Hepatotoxic reactions to herbal remedies or drugs also merit consideration. 同时应该考虑对中草药或药物的肝毒素反应。
- What are some of the adverse effects when taking Chinese herbal remedies? 中药疗法的付作用是什么?
- For centuries, Kudzu has been valued in East Asia for making herbal remedies. 几世纪来,葛根在东亚被视为制造药材的材料。
- However, many substances of vegetal origin used as herbal remedies can be nephrotoxic [6]. 然而,许多植物源性的物质都有肾毒性。
- Howeer, many substances of egetal origin used as herbal remedies can be nephrotoxic [6]. 然而,许多植物源性的物质都有肾毒性。
- Target families used fewer nonprescription (56% less) and prescription drugs (59% less) and herbal remedies (59% less). 受测家庭非处方用药的使用率降低了56%25,处方用药降低了59%25,而中草药的使用率也降低了59%25;
- There are mangy different options like massage, acupuncture,and herbal remedies. 有好多不同的选择,比如,按摩,针灸和吃草药啊。
- The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the court. 原告通过法院请示获得救济。
- They add that, "Indigo naturalis is one of the Chinese herbal remedies that has been reported to exhibit potential antipsoriatic efficacy. 茯灵已被证实是一种显示出潜在抗银屑病功效的中药之一;
- These include herbal remedies such as St John's Wort, recreational drugs, such as cocaine and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. 这些措施包括草药如圣约翰麦汁,康乐药物,如可卡因和过度的柜台(场外交易)的药物。
- Evening primrose, a herb found in North America and used for treatments in traditional Native American herbal remedies, is believed to alleviate PMS. 要纾缓经前综合症,服用月见草油是一个好方法。月见草是一种生长在北美洲的草本植物,也是印弟安人传统上普遍应用的医疗草药。
- Matter turning worse advise what remedy. 情况不妙,请电告补救方案。
- So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。