- They had to contend with wind and sand storms. 他们必须与大风沙作斗争。
- hepatopathy with wind 肝风
- Everyting will be gone with wind. 让过去的就成为永远的过去吧
- You are violets with wind above them. 你是风中紫罗兰。
- He is apt with wind instruments . 他善于演奏管弦乐器。
- It was drizzly with wind rustling. 这是一个秋天的下午。
- A sail draws by being properly trimmed and filled with wind. 船帆经调准适应风向后便扯满风。
- Trouble with wind when eat fibre, especially beans and corn? 食用纤维肚子会胀气的问题,特别是豆类和玉米?
- We are going to PK with WIND gang on the 8th of September. 9月8号,我们帮就要跟“风”帮一决死战了!
- O wild and dismal night storm, with wind! O belching and desperate! 啊,暴风雨已然成形,高涨,沿着海岸飞奔疾走?
- DYG has gone with winds already! DYG已经一阵风似的跑了!
- Fame, gain and vanity gone with wind, only wish to be a healthy and happy guy. 名利浮华随风去,但愿常作康乐人。
- My birthplace! Sea waves are surging with wind, They drift everywhere with me. 是我生长的地方,海风吹,海浪涌
- The Chinese version of The Gone With Wind is due back in about a week. 中文本的《飘》大约一星期后回到图书馆。
- These sailors have battled with winds and waves for three days. 这些水兵已与风浪搏斗了三天。
- An extremely fine, tightly woven fiber that combines natural breathability with wind and water resistance. 采用极细密编制的材料结合了自然透气和防风防水的功能。
- In l988, Hurricane Gilbert swept across the Ceribbean with wind speeds of up to 320 km/h. 1988年,飓风吉尔伯特横扫了加勒比地区,风速达到每小时320公里。
- Look much changeable, a lot of once very bemused thing lets it go along with wind! 看多了风云变幻,很多曾经很困惑的事情都让它随风去吧!
- With winds of80 mph, hurricane Isidore is nearing the western tip of Cuba. 飓风伊西多尔风速达每小时80英里,现逼迫古巴西端。
- The mindless, subtle fragrance drifts with wind, Whiffs over a low wall, and sojourns In the air Around the sun. 细香无意中,随着风过, 拂在短墙,丝丝在斜阳前 挂着留恋。