- hepatic fibrisus 肝纤维化
- Acute hepatic injury induced by thioacetamide. 用硫代乙酰胺复制急性肝损伤模型。
- Right branch of hepatic portal v. 肝门静脉右支。
- Patients with adequate renal and hepatic function. 病人有足够的肾肝功能。
- Hepatic function indexes are ALT, AST, TBIL, A, G. 血清肝功能包括:谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、总胆红素(TBIL)、白蛋白(ALB)、球蛋白(GLB);
- Hepatic hydatidosis were proved in 6 cases. 本组中同时伴有肝包虫病者6例。
- Hepatic stellate cells activated and proliferated. 贮脂细胞活化、增殖。
- Death usually results from hepatic or renal failure. 常因肝脏或肾脏衰竭而导致死亡。
- Hepatic Abscesses in Young Adult; A Clue of HIV Infection? 年轻成人的肝脓疡;HIV感染的线索?
- Hepatic echinococcsis has characteristic feature on CF. 结论:肝包虫在CT上有特征性的表现;
- Ask: so how to determine the hepatic failure in England? 国际肝病》:肝功能衰竭的终归是什么?
- Dose with caution; monitor hepatic function at regular interals. 应谨慎用药并定期监测肝功。
- What is the main cause to lead to the hepatic failure in England? 英国引起肝衰竭的主要病因是什么?
- Bile duct hamartoma is a rare hepatic tumor in adults. 摘要胆道缺陷瘤在成人是一种罕见的肝肿瘤。
- Objective: To observe the anastomosis of hepatic veins. 目的:观察肝静脉之间的吻合情况;
- Hepatic myelopathy(HM)is not commondiseases in clinic. 肝性脊髓病临床少见。
- Stimulative metabolism, enhance hepatic and alexipharmic function. 促进新陈代谢,增强肝脏解毒功能。
- None of the 12 patients had rebleeding and hepatic encephalopathy. 结果:术后死亡1例,随访的12例患者无1例再出血及发生肝性脑病。
- He has been sent to the first-aid centre because of hepatic coma. 他因为肝昏迷被送进了抢救室。
- The hepatic steatosis degree were lighten obviously (P<0.01). 肝脏脂变程度显著减轻(P<0.;01)。