- hemostasis by ligation 结扎止血
- The mouse acute incomplete cerebral ischemia was observed by ligation method. 小鼠急性不完全性脑缺血采用结扎法;
- Objective To evaluate the effect of bipolar coagulation hemostasis by the nose introscope watch on hemorrhinia. 目的评价鼻内窥镜下双极电凝止血术治疗鼻出血的疗效。
- Results:12 cases of MWSreceived conservative treatment,including 10 hemostasis by endoscope and 2 by surgery. 结果:12例病人行非手术保守治疗,其中10例内镜下介入止血;
- Chitosan induce hemostasis by coalesce erythrocytes to one another to form a blood clot. 壳聚糖止血机制中的重要一环是通过对红细胞作用,使红细胞发生粘附聚集从而使血液凝固。
- Objective It is researched that the splenic injury were treated by ligation of splenic artery and splenorrahy. 目的探讨远离脾门结扎脾动脉后脾修补术治疗脾破裂。
- Results: 2 cases were cured by conservative treatment.3 cases were cured by ligation of thoracic duct. 结果:2例患者行保守治疗,3例患者沿原切口开胸行胸导管结扎术,均治愈。
- Methods The acute ischemia models were prepared by ligation of left anterior descending (LAD) artery. 方法采用结扎冠状动脉前降支的方法,造成犬急性实验性心肌缺血模型;
- Methods HIE was induced in rats on 7th day of postnatal age by ligation of right common carotid artery,followed by 2 h of hypoxia(80 mL/L O2). 方法新生鼠HIE模型为7日龄新生鼠,结扎右侧颈总动脉,在缺氧环境下(氧体积分数为80 mL/L)放置2 h。
- Method The data of 5 patients with the AVFs, who had been not cured by ligation of the extremities of the involved arteries proximal to the heart, were retrospectively analysed. 方法分析5例头颈部动静脉瘘病人,采用瘘近心端动脉结扎后,而未能治愈的教训,改用正确的方法后而治愈。
- The number of chylothorax was three (0.70%), and among them one patient was cured by ligation of the thoracis duct, and two patients were cured by conservation. 术后乳糜胸3例(0.;7%25),其中1例行开胸探查结扎胸导管治愈,另2例保守治愈;
- Methods 173 cases who were still bleeding treated with other methods,were treated with bipolar coagulation hemostasis by the nose introscope watch. 方法对173例经其他方法止血不凑效的鼻出血患者行鼻内窥镜下双极电凝止血治疗。
- All patients with vascular wound of extremity or neck had undergone hemostasis by compression and antishock treament before hospital admission. 四肢或颈部血管破裂或横断病例入院前多已给予压迫止血或抗休克治疗。
- The paper tested hemostasis by slide, and assayed hemorrheology of acute blood stasis model by auto-apparatus of blood viscocity. 目的:了解复方山山胶囊化瘀止血药理作用;方法:采用玻片法进行止血实验、运用全自动血液粘度测定仪测定急性血瘀模型大鼠的血液流变性;
- Conclusion To pay attention to carry out effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemostasis by compression and deep vein intubation rapidly in the initial stage of emergency. 结论 抢救初期要注意进行有效的心肺复苏、压迫止血和快速进行深静脉插管;
- Methods Animal model was produced by ligation of the left coronary artery through left thoracotomy, after anaesthesia and oral trachea cannula. 方法大鼠麻醉后,经口腔插管连通动物呼吸机,开胸结扎其冠状动脉。
- ECG and CPK were measured on rabbit models of acute myocardial ischemia by ligation of the left front descending branch of the coronary artery. 采用高位双重结扎家兔冠脉左前降支复制急性心肌缺血模型,胸前标测心电图,并检测肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)。
- Methods: The models of decapitative mice and acute cerebral ischemia mice caused by ligation of bilateral common carotid arteries were used. 方法:选用小鼠断头模型及结扎双侧颈总动脉形成的小鼠脑缺血模型。
- Conclusions The method of hemostasis by 3M bandage compression femoral artery intervention is effective, which can decline the incidence rate of complication and shorten the time of braking. 结论应用绷带卷按压3M胶布固定止血法,能有效减少出血并发症,缩短卧床制动时间,减轻全身不适感。
- To analyze the hepatobiliary transport of indocyanine green (ICG) in normal and obstructive jaundice(OJ) rats,OJ were experimentally made up by ligation of common bile duct. 采用结扎胆总管的方法复制阻塞性黄疸(OJ)大鼠模型,研究靛氰绿在OJ大鼠的肝胆内转运过程。