- IT SpecialistJob Description: 1.Good working knowledge of technical support metrics/KRAs and help desk operation...... ... 公司名称:上海万宝盛华人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-13
- help desk operator 求助信息桌面操作员
- You might try calling the help desk. 你可以试着给服务台打个电话。
- Please refer to the GDS help desk for further private fare entries. 上述价格在电脑系统中可以自动给出相应票价,但需注意出票时限的要求。
- Mentor other staff. Occasionally provide second-level help desk support. 培训和帮助新来人员。有时也会提供高层的对用户的技术支持问题。
- A woman customer called the Canon help desk with a problem with her printer. 一个女顾客给加能服务台打电话,她的打印机有问题。
- To establish a help desk or call center, a number of CRM systems will serve. 要建立客户服务支持或呼叫中心,利用一些CRM系统就可以了。
- If no, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or your in-house IT help desk. 如未能连接其他互联网站,请联络您的互联网服务供应商或您公司的技术支援部。
- Both capabilities significantly simplify the administrators ability to resolve help desk and support issues. 这两个功能极大地简化了管理员解决服务台和支持问题的操作。
- Account creation has been enabled. If you have problems with loging in see the Help Desk in the forums. 帐号注册已经开放,如果您在登录时碰到问题请到官方论坛中的帮助版面进行求助。
- If the e-mail server is down, you won't be able to call the help desk since most likely the IP PBX is down too. 如果该电子邮件服务器已关闭,您将无法呼叫帮助台以来,最有可能的IP PBX是下跌太多。
- The help desk told me that my computer was working fine and the problem was caused by GIGO! 电脑维修人员说我的电脑运作正常,问题是由GIGO引起的。
- PSR allows users to record their issues and provide help desk support agents or friends/family with the result. PSR允许用户记录他们的问题并提供帮助台支持代理商或朋友/家庭的结果。
- The Hospital Help Desk is situated in the Outpatient Department and can help with any enquiries. 医院服务台在门诊部,那里可以帮您解答疑问。
- Front Desk operation, settle guest complaint, provides information, FIT and GRP check-in & check-out, etc. 前台日常操作,解决客人投诉,提供信息,散客及团队的入住及离店手续办理。
- We design, implement, and manage efficient, centralized, on-demand Help Desk environments spanning voice, chat, web, and e-mail environments. 我们可以设计、实施和管理多种高效、集中、随需应变的咨询台环境,包括语音、聊天式、网络式和电子邮件环境。
- The assignment desk operates 24 hours a day, staffed by editors who move crews, correspondents and equipment to the scenes of events. 调遣部昼夜24小时都在办公,配备着编辑人员,负责把摄影组、记者和设备调往新闻现
- So whether you use a one stage gate, two stage gate, have a help desk, or specific inspection procedures, Express TOS will work the way you do. 因此,无论您使用一阶段式出入口还是两阶段式出入口,是否有帮助台或特定检查过程,Express TOS都将根据您的需要执行工作。
- This approach also limits the number of users migrated to a new platform and thus reduces the number of calls to the Help desk by new users. 此方法还将限制迁移到新平台的用户数,从而减少新用户向帮助中心求助的次数。
- Knowledge Base for Help Desk - This program uses an access database to store common problems and solutions to be used by helpdesk staff. 这个程序使用access数据库来存储由帮助柜台人员使用的公共问题和解决方案。