- The organization helps victims of domestic tyranny. 这个组织帮助那些家庭暴虐的受害者。
- You can receive specialized training to help victims of crime. 你可以接受特别的训练去帮助受害者。
- There is no doubt that he looked upon himself as the victim of injustice. 毫无疑问,他把自己看作是执法不公的牺牲品。
- He was the victim of injustice. 他是不公平的牺牲者。
- Chinese President Hu Jintao immediately ordered an all-out effort to help victims of the earthquakes. 中国主席胡锦涛立即号召全力以赴帮助受灾群众。
- Allow me, your Honor, before I proceed to cast blame and ask for mercy, to state emphatically that I do not claim that this boy is a victim of injustice. 法官阁下,在我开始排除非难,请求宽恕之前,请允许我强调指出,我并不认为这孩子是不公正待遇的牺牲品。
- But the police read the law as entitling them to lock up all sex-workers, not help victims of trafficking. 但是柬埔寨警察却认为法律授权他们抓捕所有的性工作者,而不是帮助人口贩卖的受害者。
- The person who conceives himself to be a victim of injustice, one “who was meant to suffer” will invariably find circumstances to verify his opinions. 一位认定自己是不公正行为的受害者的人,一位“注定要遭灾”的人,他将总是寻找一些情况证实自己的观点。
- There is still uncertainty about just how much foreign aid Burma's prepared to let in to help victims of Saturday's cyclone. 现还没有数字表明有多少国际援助送达了缅甸在周日飓风中的遇难者。
- Now he is busy calculating the damage as the government has promised compensation to help victims of the riot start over. 现在,他正忙着计算自己所遭受的损失,因为政府已承诺提供补偿,帮助暴力事件受害者恢复正常生产生活。
- MOSCOW, Sept 22 (AFP) - A Russian rescue team was sent Wednesday to Taiwan to help victims of the latest earthquake, ITAR-TASS news agency reported. 莫斯科,九月二十二日:星期三,俄罗斯救援队被派往台湾以帮助最近地震的受害者,俄塔斯社报道。
- Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. 许多慈善团体捐款赈济饥民。
- Some law firms see business opportunities, the establishment of a professional agency to help victims of food safety claims, and even some law firm commitments "not to win money. 一些律师事务所看到商机后,成立了专业的代理机构,帮助食品安全问题受害者索赔,有一些律师事务所甚至承诺“不赢不收钱”。
- NATO nations are holding an emergency meeting in Brussels to discuss how their peacekeeping force in neighboring Afghanistan can help victims of the quake. 北约国家在布鲁塞尔举行紧急会议,讨论如何利用在邻国阿富汗的维和部队帮助灾民。
- Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice. 她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。
- Many pets are victims of overfeeding. 有许多宠物因喂食过量而遭殃。
- Her political beliefs grew out of her hatred of injustice. 她的政治信仰来自她对偏私枉法的痛恨。
- He had been the victim of a grievous injustice. 他曾遭受极不公正的待遇。
- Many Americans disagree with me on this as a matter of principle, arguing that our institutions should never take race into account, even if it is to help victims of past discrimination. 作为原则问题,很多美国人不同意这种说法,提出我们的公共机构应该永远不要考虑种族的问题,即使这个办法有助于过去受歧视的受害者。
- They are the victims of the civil war. 他们是内战的受害者。