- helocoid inflorescence 螺形花序
- The fruiting stage of an inflorescence. 果序一簇花的结果顺序
- Top-first inflorescence of Health, Corolla yellow. 头状花序顶生,花冠黄色。
- Inflorescence terminal, cymose, 1- or 2-flowered. 花序顶生,聚伞状,1或2花。
- Inflorescence racemose, axillary or terminal. 总状的花序,腋生或顶生。
- Inflorescence cymose or paniculate-corymbose, lax. 花序聚伞状伞房状或圆锥状,疏松。
- Inflorescence terminal, umbellate, 4-flowered. 花序顶生,伞形,4花。
- Inflorescence paniculate, axillary or subterminal. 花序圆锥状,腋生或。
- Inflorescence racemose, 3-5 cm, slender, pilose. 总状的花序,3-5厘米,纤细,具柔毛。
- Inflorescence a lax open simple raceme. 花序一疏松的开阔的的单的总状花序。
- Inflorescence cymose, 2- or many-flowered. 聚伞状的花序,2-多花的的或。
- Inflorescence a terminal panicle or raceme. 花序一顶生的圆锥花序的或总状花序。
- Inflorescence shortly pedunculate, spicate, 1-5 cm. 花序有短花序梗,穗状,1-5厘米。
- Inflorescence terminal or rarely axillary, cymose. 花序顶生或很少腋生,聚伞状。
- Inflorescence cymose, ebracteate, many flowered. 花序聚伞状,无苞片,多花的。
- Inflorescence racemose, ca. 8 cm, slender, pilose. 花序总状,长约8厘米,纤细,具柔毛。
- Inflorescence terminal, cymose, 2- or 3-flowered. 花序顶生,聚伞状,2或3花。
- Inflorescence corymbose, 8-10 cm, glabrous. 伞房状的花序,8-10厘米,无毛。
- Inflorescence a leaf-opposed glomerule or cyme. 花序一对生团伞花序或聚伞花序。
- Inflorescence subapical, 2- or 3-flowered. 花序近尖端,2或3花。