- A dense helicoid cyme with the pedicels short on the developed side. 蝎尾状聚伞花序 Cincinnus 密集的螺旋状聚伞花序,花梗在花序发育一侧渐短。
- helicoid cyme 螺形聚伞花序
- Relating to or resembling a cyme; determinate. 聚伞花序的,依序绽放的与聚伞花序有关的,或似聚伞状的;依序绽放的
- Flower solitary, terminal or few in a cyme. 花单生,顶生的或很少的在一聚伞花序里。
- Inflorescence a leaf-opposed glomerule or cyme. 花序一对生团伞花序或聚伞花序。
- Inflorescences a dichotomous cyme. 花序二歧的聚伞花序。
- CYME, ”USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUAL”, Sep., 1999. 电驿说明书,台湾电力公司训练所教材,中华民国70年。
- Inflorescence a paniculate cyme, ebracteate, many flowered. 花序一圆锥状的聚伞花序,无苞片,多花的。
- This is a good means to work with the helicoid part, it is high precision. 该路线精度高,适合于回转体零件的曲面逆向设计。
- Inflorescence a cyme surrounded by bracteal leaves, rarely flower solitary. 一聚伞花序苞片的叶,很少花单生包围的花序。
- Inflorescences terminating in single or double helicoidal cymes; 花序顶生在单个的或重螺旋状聚伞花序;
- Leaf blade basally truncate; cyme 1-flowered; sepal vein anastomoses absent. 叶片基部渐狭;聚伞花序1--3花;萼片脉网结有时宿存。(47
- To the dog pathogenesis is the hemorrhagic yellow helicoid and the dog hook end helicoid two blood serums. 对狗致病的是出血性黄疸螺旋体和犬钩端螺旋体两个血清型。
- Cyme subumbellate, few flowered;bracts with narrowly scarious margin. 狭的苞片具干膜质边缘。
- The ortho cone helicoid was used interrsect intercept by the ortho cone helicoid and the cylinder. 正圆锥螺旋面是正圆柱螺旋面被同轴正圆锥面截得。
- Syphilis is a kind of place after because syphilis is cadaverous,helicoid is affected those who happen is venereal. 梅毒是一种由于梅毒苍白螺旋体感染后所发生的性病。
- Dog typhus is causes by the dog hook end helicoid, mainly has Yu Jiaolao dog, sometimes assumes plague to be popular. 犬伤寒是由犬型钩端螺旋体引起的,主要发生于较老的狗,有时呈瘟疫流行。
- A cyme having two lateral flowers or branches originating from opposite points beneath a terminal flower. 二歧聚伞花序一种聚伞花序,有两个侧花或两个侧枝,其生于顶生花下面两个相对的点
- Adopt the helicoid transporting charging platform,and reduce the labor intensity. 采用回转式输送料台,降低劳动强度。
- The helicoid structure and the optical direction of morphine and its derivatives are analysed by using helicoid theory. 运用螺旋理论分析了吗啡及其衍生物(可待因、海洛因)的螺旋结构与旋光方向。