- He is heir to his father's fine brain. 他承袭了他父亲的聪明头脑。
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。
- The craftsman taught his son and heir how to make pots. 这个工匠向他的独子传授了制罐的手艺。
- Prince Charles is the legal heir of the crown. 查尔斯王子是王位的合法继承人。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- He was the sole heir of the large estate. 他是这一大笔遗产的唯一继承人。
- He was the true heir to the estate. 他是这个庄园的合法继承人。
- He is the legitimate heir to the property. 他是这宗财产的合法继承人。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- He fell heir to a large fortune. 他成了一大笔财产的继承人。
- Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out. 贪心的继承人等待著老头断气。
- He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title. 他是长子,因此是头衔的继承人。
- As soon as I get through custom I jump into a taxi. 我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。
- Custom formality is carried out on the quayside. 海关手续是在码头区办理的。
- Have you fille out your custom form? 您填完海关的上应表格了吗?
- The custom has been known from of old. 这种习俗是古代遗风。
- The foreigner knew the local custom very well. 这位外国人对当地的风俗非常熟悉。
- Stephen acknowledged Henry as (ie recognized his claim to be) his heir. 斯蒂芬接受亨利为他的继承人。
- The custom has descended to our day. 这一习俗一直传到今天。
- To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir. 为了保持这个农场的完整,他将它移交给一个继承人。