- Through the analysis on the experimental results, the regress equations about smoke layer's height change with time were estimated. 通过对实验结果的分析,我们建立了火灾中庭内烟气层填充高度随时间变化的回归方程。
- The power of the Percent Change chart is its ability to display the relative change in prices of a number of stocks through a given time period. 百分比变化图表的强项就是能够在一段给定的时间范围内对一批股票在价格上的相对强弱变化进行描述。
- After has established the hoisting jack model,carries on the finite element to its main spot the analysis,thus obtains the response the displacement change chart and the displacement value. 建立了千斤顶的模型之后,对其主要部位进行了有限元分析,从而得出响应的位移变化图及位移数值。
- Aerodynamic parameters of aircraft will change as flight height changes,so the parameters of controller should also be adjusted. 由于飞机的气动参数随着飞行高度的不同而不断变化,因此控制器参数也应该做相应的调整。
- Demonstrates the basics of changing chart styles using option buttons on a document. 介绍在文档中使用选项按钮更改图表样式的基本操作。
- Steps you through the process of changing chart styles using radio buttons on a Word 2003 document. 分步说明在Word 2003文档中使用单选按钮更改图表样式的过程。
- Instead of manually adding or changing chart elements or formatting the chart, you can quickly apply a predefined layout and style to your chart. 可以快速将一个预定义布局和样式应用到图表,而无需手动添加或更改图表元素或设置图表格式。
- This walkthrough shows the basics of using option buttons and programmatically changing chart styles on Word 2003 documents. 此演练演示了在Word 2003文档中使用选项按钮以及以编程方式更改图表样式的基本操作。
- A grownup man can't change from short to tall in height. 一个成年人不能在身高上由矮变高。
- When the liquid heights change, an "error" signal is produced and amplified to drive a servomotor. 当液柱高度变化时,产生一个“误差”信号,经放大后驱动伺服马达。
- The conclusion for the settlement experiment of benchmarks in this thesis, is that the height changes of buried-points laid in insaturate-moistured and deposited sandy soil nearby the Song. 通过水准点的沉降试验,得出在松花江沿岸非饱和水分冲积砂土壤中,埋石点的高程变化不会影响航道测量及水文测量的精度。
- The climber fell from a great height. 攀登者从极高的地方坠落下来。
- The twins are unequal in height. 这一对孪生儿高矮不一样。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧。
- From a precipitous height we look at the town spread out below. 我们从险峻的高处眺望铺展在下面的城镇。
- The total height is put at390 feet. 整个高度估计为390英尺。
- He was hostile to any change in our plan. 他反对我们计划中的任何改变。
- She can see over the wall because of her height. 她个子高,能看到墙的那一边。