- His Achilles' heel was his pride. 他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。
- He is very skilled at pivoting on his heel. 他能非常熟练地以脚跟旋转。
- Place your right toe in line with your left heel. 把右脚趾与左脚跟排在一直线上。
- My heel has come away from the rest of the shoe. 我的鞋后跟从鞋子上脱落了。
- Be ware of falling into their trap. 当心中了他们的计。
- The thieves were caught in a police trap. 窃贼遭警方用计擒获。
- His heel is raw because his shoe doesn't fit well. 因鞋子不合适,他的脚後跟擦破皮了。
- The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh. 捕兽夹子紧紧夹住兔子的皮肉。
- There is a hole in the heel of one of your socks. 你一只袜子的後跟有个洞。
- The police set a trap to catch the thief. 警察设下了捉拿窃贼的圈套。
- I scuff the heel of my boot on the step. 我的靴子后跟在台阶上磨坏了。
- I scuffed the heel of my boot on the step. 我的靴子後跟在台阶上磨坏了。
- The farmer went ahead in his trap. 农夫驾着双轮轻便马车继续赶路。
- I'm training my dog to come to heel. 我在训练我的狗让它紧跟著我。
- I knew perfectly well it was a trap. 我很清楚这是一个陷阱。
- The rebels have been brought to heel. 反叛者被压制住了。
- The purpose of a trap is to catch and hold animals. 陷阱是用来捕捉野兽的。
- To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap. 令我极为满意的是,他中了圈套。
- A trap set to catch trespassers or poachers. 捕人陷阱用来捕捉越过私地者或偷猎者的陷阱
- Place your right toe in line with your left heel. 把右脚趾与左脚跟排在一直线上。