- heavily polluted area 重杂质
- With a lot of black smoke of the boiler chimneys in the wellsite, this area is heavily polluted. 由于从井场锅炉烟囱中冒出大量的黑烟,这个地区污染很严重。
- The passing-by water bodies in animal farming area was often heavily polluted by NH4(superscript +)-N. 畜禽养殖场附近的河流受养殖污水的影响,水体的氮素污染最为严重,尤其是铵态氮负荷最高;
- The sea area of overing 1 class of sea water quality standard were slightly minished than last year.In shore sea area were heavily polluted. 全国劣于一类海水水质标准的海域面积比上年略有减小,但近岸海域污染仍然较重,局部海域环境质量继续呈恶化趋势;
- A heavily polluted city hurts the health of its own inhabitants as well as those hundreds of miles downwind. 一个污染严重的城市不仅伤害它自己的居民的健康,也伤害到下风数百英里内居民的健康。
- These trace gases are not detectable by smell in any but the most heavily polluted atmosphere. 这些微量气体除了在污染最严重的大气外,是不能凭嗅觉察觉到的。
- Large stretches of the canal north of the Yellow River are now dry, filled in completely or heavily polluted. 黄河北边的一大段运河如今已经干涸见底,要么堵塞的满满当当,要么污染得一塌糊涂。
- Heavily polluted China wants to acquire the most advanced clean energy technology from U.S. companies. 污染严重的中国希望从美国公司获得最先进的清洁能源技术。
- Pouring all I and any other exposed internal condensation, or heavily polluted parts of the coating required. 所有的浇注口和任何其它暴露在内部凝结或重度污染的部件需要涂层。
- The old and ill, however, are the most vulnerable to the acute effects of heavily polluted stagnant air. 虽然老人和病人在重度污染的不流通环境中是最脆弱的。
- The evaluating result shows that the bottom creature algae and hydrophily creature are heavily polluted. 其水生生物评价总结果表明:底栖运动、着生藻类和水生生物综合评价在扎龙湖均为重污染。
- The Ganges River is so heavily polluted at Varanasi that the water is septic - no dissolved oxygen exists. 可译为:恒河在瓦拉纳西段的河水被污染至腐臭,已经没有溶解氧的存在。
- Lakes and rivers that are heavily polluted with organic material are liable to contain less dissolved oxygen than does nonpolluted water. 受到有机物严重污染的湖泊和河流,比起未受污染的水来说,其中的溶解氧通常要少一些。
- Wang Quansheng gestures through the midday murk of what passes for a sunny day in Tangshan, the heavily polluted steel capital of China. 王全胜在正午的昏暗中打着手势,在唐山,这就算是个晴天了。唐山是污染严重的中国钢铁之都。
- Roofs require special consideration to ensure adequate durability in relation to the exposure to sun and rain, and to an atmosphere sometimes heavily polluted with chemicals. 屋顶需要加以特别考虑,以确保经受日晒雨淋盒在有时被化学物质严重污染的大气中有足够的耐久性。
- They might also have been heavily polluted by Japanese drama, Korean drama, Hollywood movies, mushy comics and fiction since they were small, resulting in serious brain damage. 或是自幼被穷摇(琼瑶),日据(日剧)、寒剧(韩剧)、好莱巫(好莱坞)、少女漫画、言情小说等重度污染而导致脑残。
- In recent years, due to large quantities of industrial waste water and sewage discharged into life and other factors, resulted in The Fuyang He of heavily polluted. 近年来,由于大量工业废水和生活污水的排入以及其它因素的影响,造成滏阳河重度污染。
- It is interesting to note that the frequency of bronchitis and pneumonia in Great Britain has been correlated with area of residence in a polluted area and with social class. 值得指出的是,在英国,支气管炎和肺炎的发病率与污染区域中的居住地区和所属社会阶层有关。
- Although it will cost much to decontaminate the soil and clean the body of water that has been heavily polluted, obviously it could be seen as a unique spatial resource for urban redevelopment. 这些已经被污染的用地尽管需要花费高昂的代价去整治,但也具有很高的商业开发价值。
- The case-fatality percentages were higher in the highly polluted areas. 致死病例的百分比,在重污染区较多。