- The treated surface is unfading, non yellowing and glossy. 处理后表面洁净、不失光、不褪色、不泛黄。
- Treated surface should be free of fash, burr, welding scar or dirty. 经处理的摩擦面,不得有飞边、毛刺、焊疤或污损等。
- Sewage and waste from the island is heat treated to kill any virus. 由该封闭孤岛出来的污水和废水要经热处理,杀死任何病毒。
- The frictional and wear characteristics of conventionally heat treated and laser surface hardened high speed steels under sliding wear condition are studied. 研究了常规处理的高速钢和激光表面硬化的高速钢在滑动磨损条件下的摩擦磨损特性曲线。
- Typical use : ceramic kilns, wide heat treat furnaces etc... 典型应用:陶瓷窑炉,宽热处理炉等。
- The heat treater has no SPC in use. 热处理方没有在用。
- The heat treater has no quality planning effort. 热处理方没有质量控制计划。
- Heat treat processing, packaging, storage and handling are fully satisfactory. 在处理,操作,存储和包装过程中,是完全令人满意的。
- A narrow piece, usually of wood or cardboard, coated on one end with a compound that ignites when scratched against a rough or chemically treated surface. 火柴一端涂有化合物、在化学涂料表层划擦时可点燃的窄木棒
- A narrow piece,usually of wood or cardboard,coated on one end with a compound that ignites when scratched against a rough or chemically treated surface. 火柴一端涂有化合物、在化学涂料表层划擦时可点燃的窄木棒。
- The performance of heat treated silica xerogels were investigated by means of DTA-TG,IR,BET. 通过DTA-TG,IR,BET等测试手段对经热处理的二氧化硅干凝胶的性能进行了研究。
- The heat treater has no documented evidence of quality planning. 热处理方没有质量控制计划的证据。
- The heat treater has no process control program of any type. 热处理方没有任何过程控制的方法。
- Until that time, “good” heat treating is what we need. 直到那时,“好的”热处理才是我们所需要的。
- V-i Multidisciplinary Approach - Heat treated parts will conform to the reference standard in the drawing notes. 综合学科的研究方法-热处理零件将遵照图纸注解中的参考标准。
- Heat treated boards display a reduced modulus of rupture and an increase in dustiness. 经过热处理后,板材的断裂模数变小,而含尘量增加。
- It is difficult to treat surface water with low turbidity, high color and abounding organic matter by coagulation, and coagulation and dissolved air flotation (DAF) process is used to treat this raw water. 低浊高色富含有机物地表水难于混凝,试验采用“混凝-溶气气浮”(“混凝-DAF”)工艺处理此类水,并与常规“混凝-沉淀”工艺进行了比较。
- It is not ultra heat treated (UHT), simply pasteurized and so retains its naturally high nutrition levels. 它不是高温杀菌(UHT)牛奶,只是简单的巴氏杀菌,因此保留了最高的天然营养。
- Heat processing: normal heat treating and chemical heat treating of steel and nonferrous metal; testing the hardenability of steel; surface treatment of steel. 热形变加工:金属及其合金的热压、锻造、轧制等形变加工。
- Surface hardened steel, copper, aluminum alloy sheet, hard alloy steel, zinc layers, chrome layers, tin layers, surface heat treating and chemical treating materials, etc. 表面淬火钢,铜、铝合金薄板,带钢,硬质合金钢,镀锌,镀铬,镀锡,材料表面热处理和化学表面处理的各种金属材质