- Aluminium Silicone Heat Resistant Paint 铝粉硅酮耐高温漆
- Aluminum alkyd heat resistant paint 铝粉醇酸耐热漆
- Keywords organosilicane;heat resistant paint;silicane coupler; 有机硅;耐热涂料;硅烷偶联剂;
- heat resisting paint 耐热涂料
- Heat resistant paint's Inorganic heat-resistant paint, organic silicon heat-resistant paint, modified organic silicon heat-resistant paint, etc 工业地坪涂料自流平地坪涂料,抗静电地坪涂料,耐磨地坪涂料、耐化学腐蚀地坪涂料等等
- Material: made from PVC, oil and erosion control, heat resisting up to85℃. 材质:采用优质pvc制成,能防止油性及其他物质侵蚀.
- heat resistant paint 耐热漆
- heat resistance paint 耐高温漆
- Classes of Heat Resistance and Pressure Resistance. 耐热性、耐压性的种类。
- Is the coffeepot heat resistant or not? 咖啡壶是不是耐热产品?
- A heat resistant vinyl ester resin was studied. 研究了一种耐高温乙烯基酯树脂。
- Excellent solderability and heat resistance. (良好的焊锡性及耐热性。
- These resins are applied to a glass fiber mat and are eventually used to manufacture heat resisting electrical insulators. 这些树脂使用在玻璃纤维布上,最终生产出耐高温的绝缘套管。
- EPE Foam is a new buffering and joltproof packing material with good heat resisting,damp proof,wear preventing and anti-corroding function. EPE俗称珍珠棉,是一种具有高强缓冲、抗震能国的新型环保包装材料。它同时还具有保温、防潮、防磨擦、耐腐蚀等特点。
- It is shown that the process is simple and reasonable,and thereby obtained products have anticorrosive,heat resisting,and excellent mechanical and electric properties. 研究表明,该工艺简单合理,产品的耐腐蚀性、耐热性、机械性能和电性能优良。
- To make this machine, we need some heat resistant steel plates. 我们需要一些耐高温钢板来生产这种机器。
- The heat had blistered the paint of the building. 酷热使建筑物上的油漆起了浮泡。
- Construction: high pressure steel wire spiral rubber hose, covered with fire resistant paint coat, steel wire braided layer, and antiflamig layer. 结构:以高压钢丝缠绕胶管为基体外皮包覆耐火涂料层、钢丝编织层和阻燃层构成。
- Heat resistance ( D-value ) is influenced by many factors, e. G. 耐热性(D值)受许多因素的影响,例如
- The basic composition and the process of preparation of corrosion resistant paint containing glass flakes were described. 摘要玻璃鳞片填充防蚀涂料,能提高其耐蚀性。