- The formulas of calculating the strip temperature inside the pickling tank and the heat quantity are established. 实践证明,计算模型正确合理,计算精度较好,可用于系统设计和维护调试;
- The heat quantity given off from floor surface with different floor materials and different floor structure is calculated. 摘要用数值计算的方法计算了不同地面层材料和不同地板层结构的地表散热量。
- Extraction of heat quantity is two-stage refrigeration, the initial chilling uses circulating water, the secondary chilling uses shallow cold water. 将原干燥器排风机更换成大功率风机,提高风机出口压力,克服冷却塔的阻力,以保证干燥系统的风量;
- Design STD bus computer controlled beer fertmented process. To control analysis, we budget heat quantity and use logical PID process. 用STD总线控制啤酒发酵的设计方法 :在控制算法上 ;采用热量预值 ;逻辑pid调节 .
- Oil is absolutely necssary matter for growth of human body and also supplies him with high heat quantity, what is more it is his main origin of aliphatic acid. 摘要油脂是人类赖以生存必不可缺的组成部分,其所含必须脂肪酸和非必须脂肪酸的比例应适当。
- The result showed: in different light environments anti different plants, transpiring water volume and absorbing heat quantity of leaf area was very different. 结果表明:不同的光环境及植物在单位叶面积内的蒸腾释水量及吸热量有很大差别。
- Application: intelligent IC water meter, Ammeter, gas meter, heat quantity meter, camera, vidicon, industrial PC, computer RAM, supporting electrical source for COMS. 电池用途:广泛应用于智能IC水表、电表、气表、热量表、照相机、摄像机、工业PC机、计算机RAM、COMS电路支撑电源;
- As an important part of metallic TPS, the attachment must be strong enough to transfer mechanical load to the substructure and at the same time not much heat quantity. 连接结构是金属热防护系统的重要的子部件,要求其在传递力学载荷同时,不能向机体传递过多的热量,对其研究具有重要意义。
- A comparison between UF and modified UF made in the research also showed that the endothermic reaction of the latter occurred earlier and had lower endothermic heat quantity. 研究还表明,UF和改性UF相比,两者热反应特征明显不同,后者的吸热反应较前者提前,总吸热量减少。
- Heat source plants for thermoelectricity cogeneration, those for central heat supply and heating power stations shall install metering equipments of heat quantity at the exit of heating power. 热电联产热源厂、集中供热热源厂和热力站应当在热力出口安装热量计量装置。
- Regarding the ball- column model . After analyzed the gas thermodynamic property behind the shock wave, the results of aerodynamic heating quantity and its the influence factors has been obtained under different heights and speeds . 对于球柱模型,分析了激波后气体的热力学性质,计算得到了不同高度和不同速度下驻点气动加热量及其影响因素;
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- heating quantity dynamic correction 热量动态校正
- The heat had blistered the paint of the building. 酷热使建筑物上的油漆起了浮泡。
- Heating quantity of bomb cylinder 弹筒发热量
- It is this molecular motion that we call heat. 就是这种分子运动我们称之为热。
- Heat may travel in the same manner as light does. 热可以与光同样的方式传播。
- The game didn't heat up until the second half. 游戏玩到后半场才热闹起来。
- The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. 散热器释放出很多热量。