- The heat output can be adjusted easily. 热量输出易于调节。
- The electric heater should have a heat output rated for the maximum product withdrawal rate requirements, without excessive over-capacity. 电加热器的热输出应该由要求的最大产品提取率来确定,不能有过剩能力。
- His total heat output was measured and compared with the calorific content of the food he ate. 量出他的总热量输出,并与他吃进去的食物的含热量作了比较。
- This peper introduced a new-type of infrared radiant burner with large heat output. 开发了一种新型的大负荷多喷嘴引射式红外辐射燃烧器。
- Computer equipment heat output is expressed in BTU per hour. 3.7 BTU per hour is equivalent to 1 Watt of dissipation. 计算机设备散热用BTU每小时表示。3.;7BTU每小时相当于1瓦的散热。
- There is some about that retarders or retarding plasticisers really alter the total heat output or, for that matter, the rate of heat generation. 无疑地,缓凝剂或缓凝塑化剂确实改变了点总放热量或放热速度。
- This model can reproduce the observed heat output, but only under two conditions that revolutionize our view of Enceladus. 这个理论可以印证我们观察到的热输出现象,但有两个先决条件可能大幅改变我们对土卫二的看法。
- Using the method introduced in this paper, one can theoretically ascertain the motion pattern of the piston pin and compute out the heat output along the rubbed surfaces. 应用本文的方法可以从理论上探明活塞销的运动规律,并计算出各摩擦区的发热量。
- The BTU (British Thermal Unit) is a common unit used for measuring heat output, equal to the amount of energy required to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. 英国热单位(BTU)是一个通常的热量计量单位,一个BTU(英国的热单位)等于一磅水升起一华氏度所需的热量。
- It implies that the critical line is in fact a demarcation line between the transient heat output zone and input zone (re-reddening zone) in cooling process. 此临界线是冷却过程中瞬时内部热输出区与热输人区(返红区域)的分界线;
- Matched with optimal refrigeration system of high-efficiency heat output which applies fiber-tube vaporizer and in-line condenser and increases the heat transfer area while saving more power. 优化制冷系统匹配,采用丝管式蒸发器和内藏式冷凝器,有效增大了热交换面积,耗电更省。
- Because modeling the material heat output air and the molding tool cavityinside gather together quickly output of burnt, flow the mark ,Lack to anticipate, inhale to result in of transform the etc., the blemish can get to solve well. 由于成型材料高温产生的气体和模具腔内快速集聚产生的烧焦、流痕、缺料、吸气造成的变形等缺陷能得到充分解决。
- The reconstructed system overcame disadvantages of the former system and added PLC to control device.It assured stable heat output of the mixing gas, met the needs of users and realized energy saving. 改造后的系统克服了原系统的缺点,增加了PLC控制设备,保证了混合煤气发热量的稳定,达到了用户的要求,实现节能降耗。
- The moment of friction of high-speed grease-lubricated rolling bearing determines its power consumption and heat output, and the heat output has a direct effect on its temperature rise. 在高速脂润滑滚动轴承中,摩擦力矩的大小决定了轴承的功率消耗和发热量的大小,发热量的大小直接影响轴承的温升失效。
- The valve shall have a BTU rating in excess of the BTU rating of the boiler's heating output. 这种阀门的BTU释放能力应该超过锅炉的热输出能力。
- We discussed the power requirements, how the robotic arms would be controlled, fault-tolerance, electrostatics and covalent bonds, heat output and cooling options, and the potential for portability. 我们探讨了有关动力需求的问题,探讨了如何控制机械手的问题,还探讨了容错率、静电及共价键、发热量及冷却方案,以及便携可能性的相关问题。
- Because this device was intended as an electronic tranquilizer, it has blinking lights, pulsing tone, and heat outputs as well. 由于这种装置的目的是为电子镇静剂,它具有闪烁的灯光,脉冲声音动,热输出等。
- Beautiful outlook, smooth surface, endurable in erosion, long in life, low weight, superior heating output, easy cleaning, easy install, design of over-thin and saving your room. “铜铝复合柱翼型散热器”美观洁净、散热性能好、耐腐蚀、寿命长、超薄设计,节约您的室内空间。
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。
- The container adopts three-chamber heating control with heating output power of all-digital power with thyristor in three phase AC controlled by on-off output of PLC. 挤压筒加热分三区控制,采用PLC开关量输出作为全数字三相晶闸管交流调功器的给定,通过调功器输出控制加热功率。