- heart rot disease 心腐病
- Root rot disease of Trigonella foenum -graecum L. 葫芦巴根腐病
- Two New Heart Rot Diseases on Hardwoods in Tianmu Mountain from Zhejiang Province 浙江天目山两种新的阔叶树心材腐朽病
- The infestation of avocado root rot disease is not visually detectable. 鳄梨树根腐病的感染用视觉是无法探测出来的。
- Study on Dan-shen Root Rot Disease and Its Control by Trichoderma spp. 利用木霉防治丹参根腐病的研究。
- Rot disease of apple caused by epiphyte is one of the most severe diseases. Chemical methods played an important role in traditional control methods. 由真菌引发的苹果树腐烂病是我国果树种植区危害最严重的病害之一;传统的防治方法是以化学防治为主.
- The citrus root rot disease causes leaf yellow,fallen,growth weak and root rot of citrus plants. 柑桔根腐病症状主要表现为黄叶、落叶、树势衰弱及根系坏死、腐烂。
- Mechanism of Rhizobacteria BH_1 (Bacillus sp.) to Suppress Soybean Root Rot Disease Caused by Fusarium spp. 芽孢杆菌BH_1防治大豆根腐病的效果及机制
- It is suggested that, only Pythium myriotylum is the causal agent of the cocoyam root rot disease in Cameroon. 研究结果表明:群结腐霉Pythium myriotylum Drechsler是喀麦隆芋艿根腐病的致病菌。
- Because the use of N, P, and K can decrease the root rot disease index of pea, more plant ash and compost contained abundant available K must be used. 由于氮、磷、钾配施能减轻豌豆根腐病危害,所以目前应多施草木灰、堆肥等富含速效钾的肥料。
- Furthermore, the treated potato showed high resistance to rot disease caused by Erwinia corotovora SCG1 compared to control. 经重组菌发酵液处理的马铃薯片,对马铃薯软腐病表现出很强的抗病性。
- This inoculation technique was simple, rapid and relible and could be used as basal identification method of resistance of soybean to phytophthora root rot disease. 本方法所获鉴定结果稳定可靠,利用注射器接种可以极大地提高工作效率,建议作为我国鉴定大豆种质资源对大豆疫霉根腐病抗病性的基本方法。
- Heart Rot of Castanea mollisima in Central China 板栗心材褐腐病初报
- Tonight,he who betrayed his friends,whose heart rots with murder shall break free. 今晚,背叛了朋友,心灵被谋杀腐蚀的人将会得到自由.
- The result showed that the diseases endangeringleaf were blackspot disease,anthracnose,leaf spot and ring rot disease. 结果表明,危害银杏叶片的病害主要有黑斑病、炭疽病、叶斑病和轮纹病。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- To irrigate the roots and spray the leaves could effectively prevent and cure the black rot disease and the root and stem rot disease by Fenaminosulf diluted 1 000 times,before seedlings got lignified. 在苗木木质化前用根腐灵稀释1 000倍灌根和叶面喷洒能有效地防治根腐和根茎腐烂病。
- Under controlled condition in growth chamber, we studied the development of Phytophthora root rot disease of soybean in relation to soil temperature, soil water content and inoculum density. 摘要在人工气候箱内分析测定了接种体密度、土壤含水量和土壤温度对大豆疫霉根腐病发生的影响。
- Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。
- Occurrence and biological control of heart rot of Red Fuji apple 红富士苹果霉心病的发生与生物防治