- The practice and exerience in conducting nurse practicing in monitoring ward of heart surgical department 心脏外科监护病房实习护士带教的实践与体会
- Here is the surgical department. 这儿是外科。
- He is a qualified surgical department doctor. 他是一个合格的外科医生。
- We learn politics, internal medicine and surgical department. 我们学习政治、内科、外科等等。
- We learn politics,internal medicine and surgical department. 我们学习政治、内科、外科等等。
- The silk suture applies to General surgical department. 医用丝线,适用于普外科。
- Mr.Ruan Xinmin, a famous American heart surgical professor will serve the post of center chief. 美藉著名心脏外科专家阮新民教授将担任该中心的主任。
- This research aims to explore sources of stress and adaptative behaviors toward the stress of a female adolescent who received heart surgical treatment. 本研究目的在探讨一位青春期少女面临开心手术的压力源及克服这些压力的因应行为。
- The disposable and atraumatic suture needle with silk suture applies to General surgical department. 无菌医用丝线无损伤缝合针,适用于普外科。
- The second case thatwas presented to the head of the surgical department is very typical. 呈递给外科主任的第二例病案非常典型。
- Analysis of risk factors for nosocomial infection of urological surgical department. 泌尿外科医院感染危险因素分析。
- The monofilament nylon thread applies to Microsu-rgery, Plastic surgery and General surgical department. 医用锦纶单丝线,适用于显微外科、整形外科和普外科。
- The braided polyester suture applies to Cardiova-scular surgery and General surgical department. 医用涤纶编织线,适用于心血管手术和普外科。
- The braided silk suture, applies to Ophtha-Imology department and General surgical department. 医用编织丝线,适用于眼科、普外科。
- But after the surgical department expert's diagnosis, the Slovenia people diagnoses for the left leg anklebone booklet. 但经过外科专家的诊断,斯洛文尼亚人被确诊为左脚踝骨折。
- The acute heavy sickness cholangitis(ACST)is the abdomen surgical department common serious acute abdominal pains. 急性重症胆管炎(ACST)是腹部外科常见的严重急腹症。
- Objective:To survey and analyse the rational use of antimicrobial drugs in surgical department of our hospital. 目的:调查分析抗微生物药物在绥宁县人民医院外科的使用情况。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- The monofilament polypropylene suture applies to Cardiovascular surgery, Orthopedics department and General surgical department. 医用聚丙烯线,适用于心血管手术、骨科、普外科。
- Conclusions The skills of EBN and the ability of obtaining information increased after EBN training in nurses of surgical department. 95%25的护士认为经过培训后提高了自身循证护理能力.;结论 通过对外科病区护士进行循证护理能力的培训;达到了提高护士循证护理技能;