- healthy network platform 健康网络平台
- The network platform is flexible to build up. 具有组网灵活,结构简单,扩容方便,维护容易的特点。
- The network platform and a player exchange pk. 网络的平台,实现了玩家交流和pk的要求。
- A sysadmin makes sure your computer is working in a healthy way on a healthy network. 系统管理员,确保你的电脑在健康的网络上以健康的方式工作。
- Broad and effective networking platform! 广阔而有效的交际平台!
- Healthy home is a true healthy network, take the protection that counterpoises to user privacy seriously very much. 健康家园是一个真实的健康网络,非常重视对用户隐私权的保护。
- This article makes a systematical analyse of and discusses some engineering cost information, influence factor, system function and network platform. 本文对工程造价信息化的影响因素、系统功能、网络平台等问题做了系统地论述和分析。
- It can extend the auction time, the number of people and materials to the largest with the network platform. 它利用网络平台将拍卖时间、人数和物品等进行最大限度的延伸。
- "Without doubt, gregarious network platform will be ecbolic a many innovation and business chance. “毫无疑问,社交网络平台将催生出大量的创新和商机。”
- As Asia's largest retail network platform, Taobao is rewriting many of the retail industry breakdown pattern. 作为亚洲最大的网络零售平台,淘宝网正在改写众多细分行业的零售格局。
- According to the Securities Bandung network platform for statistical data as follows. 根据万隆证券网数据平台统计如下。
- Because network platform collected super consumptive crowd, can develop thereby for market dominant. 由于网络平台聚集了超级的消费人群,从而可以发展为市场主导。
- This article focuses on the issues that how to complete the multi-task transmitting and the specifically typical network designs at the City Area Network platform based on SDH. 本论文所讨论的重点就是在基于SDH的城域网传送平台上如何实现多业务传送和具体的典型网络设计。
- Apart from this site also provided a forum for customers, customers can exchange information and share network platform. 除此之外网站也为顾客提供了论坛,客户之间能相互交流信息,共享网络大平台。
- The network environment of the information system of the 21 st Universiade is based on the internetworking,which is a virtual special network platform. 第21届大运会信息系统的网络环境是建立在广域网基础上的虚拟专用信息网络平台。
- Dragons are a great deal of network platform, is the largest C2C website, is the Asian largest personal Internet auction site. 淘宝网是一个非常出色的网络交易平台,是国内最大的C2C网站,是亚洲最大的个人拍卖网站。
- "Stockaded village advocate " the union with network platform, it is undoubtedly " own brand " be born provided motivation and environment. “寨主”和网络平台的结合,无疑为“自主品牌”的诞生提供了动力和环境。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- In this paper,the home network platform and g ateway are presented. The home network is based on Eth-ernet. The g ateway is desig ned and implemented in Linux. 本文对家庭网络平台及其主网关作了分析和研究,介绍了以太网作为主干网的家庭网络平台,并在此基础上,着重阐述在Linux系统下主网关控制终端的设计与实现。
- His inmost thoughts are not healthy. 他心灵深处的思想是不健康的。