- The utilization ratio of health resources is not high. 卫生资源利用效率不高。
- Should Age be a Criterion for the Allocation of Health Resources? 年龄应否是卫生资源分配的一项准则?
- The distribution and structure of health resources are not reasonable. 卫生资源配置和结构不合理。
- The improper distribution of health resources results in its low utilization and high costs for operation. 由于资源配置不合理,造成卫生资源利用率低,运行成本高。
- The medical resources in this country are concentrated in large hospitals and the health resources for grass-root service are seriously inadequate. 我国医疗资源主要集中在大医院,基层服务的卫生资源严重不足。
- Countermeasures on the optimal allocation of urban health resources Yuchun Huanga, Xiaojun Qiangb Abstract As. 城市卫生资源合理配置的对策思考。
- It restricts largely the utilizing of this health resources and rapid response to vital diseases and epidemic. 这种情况很大程度上制约了医疗资源的利用和社会对重大疾病、疫情的快速反应能力。
- Health resources are limited.In order to achieve our medical aim,the health resources must be disposed rationally. 卫生资源是稀缺资源,卫生资源只有优化配置,才能达到我们的医学目的。
- The Health Resources and Services Administration, a federal agency, has its own “lay navigators” programme. 联邦卫生资源和服务管理局也有自己的“奠基导航者”项目。
- Results The mental health resources in Chengdu City were insufficient and the util ization rate of health resources was low. 结果成都市精神卫生机构资源比较贫乏,同时卫生资源利用率较低。
- To increase the efficiency of the hospital health resources installs for purpose,this text analyze well Guangzhou hospital layout and constitute. 以提高医院卫生资源配置与利用效率为目的,分析广州医院布局及构成的现状与特征。
- State-run enterprise hospitals are the important part in health medical care as well as in national medical health resources. 国有企业医院是医疗卫生事业的重要组成部分,也是国家医疗卫生资源的重要组成部分。
- Conclusion: The administrators should allocate health resources reasonably and especially gave special attcution to the oncological department. 结论:及时掌握恶性肿瘤的临床特徵及变迁,为合理分配卫生资源,加强肿瘤科室的建设提供可靠依据。
- "Een more importantly, COPD is an increasing cause of chronic disability," he notes, one that will "undoubtedly place an increasing burden on health resources. “更重要的是,COPD正在成为导致慢性失能的原因,”他强调指出,“这必将为医疗资源最加更重的负担。
- This article studied the first aid health resources distribution condition in about 119 township center hospitals of 25 undeveloped counties in Zhejiang province. 对浙江省25个经济欠发达县119个乡镇中心卫生院的基本情况、人力资源、急救设施与设备、急救药品、急救服务技能等卫生资源进行了现状调查与分析。
- The health resources refer to the total factors and conditions that can promote the intactness of a person's physiology, mental state and adaptation to society. 健康资源是指所有能促进人的生理、心理和社会认同感等方面完好的各种因素和条件的总和。
- Health resources allocation, the cornerstone of health production capability, includes effective allocation of increments and rational readjustment of stocks. 卫生资源配置是形成卫生生产能力的基石,它包括增量的有效配置和存量的合理调整。
- Renunciation of medical treatment could decrease waste of public health resources, reflecting a progress in social morals and representing a public re-recognition on t... 放弃治疗可减少公共卫生资源的浪费,是社会公众对生死意义的再认识,是人类道德意识进步的体现。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- However, it is faced with many issues and challenges, such as the safety of information storing, privacy protection and the distribution of health resources. 但是,它的发展也会面临许多问题与挑战,如电子健康信息储存的安全性问题、隐私保护问题和卫生资源的分配问题等等。