- health records administrator 保健记录管理人员
- My health records are at my family physician's office. 我的健康纪录都在我家庭医师的办公室里。
- Similarly, machines could be used to keep a check on a patient's health record and bring it up to date. 同样,机器能够检查病员的病因,并使之反应出最新情况。
- It started under the name “Association of Korean Medical Record Administrator” as a substructure of Korean Hospital Association in 1966. 1966年,作为韩国医院协会的一个分会,成立了“韩国病案工作者协会”。
- National Archives and Records Administration of U.S.A. 美国国家档案与文件署
- Changning District is the city's first area to creat its own local residents's(aged above 15) health records. 长宁区是全市第一个创建当地居民(15岁以上)健康纪录的城区。
- By computerizing health records, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs, and improve care. 通过将医疗记录输入电脑,我们可以避免危险的医疗事故,降低成本并提高医疗质量。
- Clinical operations included pharmacy and laboratory, computerized physician order entry and electronic health records. 临床操作包括药房和实验室、计算机化医嘱输入和电子医疗记录;
- Similarly,machines could be used to keep a check on a patient's health record and bring it up to date. 同样,机器能够检查病员的病因,并使之反应出最新情况。
- He added the ONC would launch an initiative launching a comprehensive privacy and security framework for electronic health records. 他还补充道,ONC将会公布一项动议来发布一种电子医疗记录的综合隐私性安全性框架。
- Building a value-driven health care system requires four interconnected cornerstones. With the growing use of electronic health records, all four are within our grasp. 建立价值导向的医疗系统需要四个互相联系的基础。与电子健康记录的发展一道,需要把握的四个方面
- The Employer is required to create and maintain the occupational health record for laborers within the stipulated period. 第三十三条用人单位应当为劳动者建立职业健康监护档案,并按照规定的期限妥善保存。
- The ‘centile’ lines can be found in your child’s health record book and your family doctor or health visitor will be able to explain what these are. 在孩子的健康记录册里找到这样的百分位数线,医生会向你解释这些线的意义;
- For your child's safety and to comply with state regulations, all Montessori School enrollment papers and health records must be completed before your child can begin school. 为了您孩子的安全,并遵守国家相关规定,在您的孩子开始在学校上课之前应完成所有的蒙特梭利学校注册单和健康记录。
- Conclusion Medical record management is significantly changing towards digital, hi-intellectualized, electronic health record. 结论病案信息管理发生显著的变化,向数字化、高智能化的电子病案方向发展。
- IFHRO was established in 1968 as a forum to bring together national organisations committed to improvement in the use of health records in their different countries. 国际病案协会成立于1968年,作为凝聚各国病案组织协力提高病案应用水平的论坛,提高病案应用水平最有效的方法之一,就是向广大病案工作者提供教育与培训。
- The amendment would also fund an interoperable electronic health record system for the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. 另外,它还将为国防部门与退伍军人事务部的互操作性电子医疗记录系统出资。
- About half of the company's $2.8bn in revenue comes from supporting health care concerns, and the US federal government has committed $30bn overall to digitise health records. 该公司28亿美元收入中,约有一半来自对医疗服务的支持,而美国联邦政府已承诺投入300亿美元建立电子病历系统。
- Optimal patient care requires efficient access to comprehensive electronic health records (EHRs).IHE accelerates the adoption of the information standards needed to support EHRs. 最佳的病患卫生保健要求能有效地访问全面的EHR,IHE加速了支持EHR所需要的信息标准的采用。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。