- Obama is trying to muster support for his plans to revive the US economy and reform the health and education systems. 他此次做客脱口秀节目是为其经济复苏计划和医疗教育系统改革方案寻求支持。
- First, people have for years witnessed the destruction of the “iron rice bowl”, as once-free health and education systems have been dismantled. 首先,多年来他们目睹了打破了铁饭碗,再者,曾经的免费的教育,医疗体系告瓦解。
- School-running scale is small and educational system is disunited. 存在问题:教育规模偏小,办学效益较低;办学条件较差,教学质量不高;
- Chinaneeds to improve its higher education, financial markets and training, while India, falling slightly down this year's league, is plagued bymacroeconomic instability, poor health and education systems and lowlabour market efficiency. 中国需要改善其高等教育、金融市场和培训领域,而印度则受到宏观经济不稳、健康和教育体系落后以及劳动力市场效率低下的困扰。印度今年的排名略有下滑。
- The reform of financial and educational systems have deepened. 金融、教育体制改革继续深化。
- Dietary Supplement Health and Eduction Act(DSHEA), 1994 in U.S.A. 中华人民共和国卫生部:保健食品管理办法.;1996
- The few offsetting gains came in the health and education sectors. 极少的就业增长点来自医疗保健和教育部门。
- health and educational system 卫生和教育制度
- While technology might be viewed by some as a value neutral force, its application to educational purposes entails concerns, both for the learners and educational system. 当技术被认为是一个价值中性的力量时,它被运用于教育目的必须同时考虑学习者和教育系统。
- Spending on rural health and education has already increased markedly, although reform of the pension system has been slower. 农村的医疗和教育支出已大幅上升,不过养老金体系的改革速度一直较为缓慢。
- S."I have learned about the American educational system, pedagogy, deaf and hard of hearing student advisement and placement, and educational research methods," she said. “我学习和了解了美国教育系统,教育学,聋学生升学和安置办法,和教育科研方法”,她说。
- But U.S. children born out of wedlock tend to have poorer health and educational outcomes than those born to married women. 但在美国,未婚生育的孩子们无论是健康水平还是学习成绩,都比双亲家庭的孩子要差。
- The reform of financial and educational systems have deepened,and active preparations are being made for the reform of health care,investment,financing and taxation systems. 此外,医疗保障制度、投融资体制、完善财税体制等项改革都在积极准备。
- He was brimming with health and spirits. 他身体健康,精神饰有。
- The reform of financial and educational systems have deepened, and active preparations are being made for the reform of health care, investment, financing and taxation systems. 此外,医疗保障制度、投融资体制、完善财税体制等项改革都在积极准备。
- Nobody denies the imperatives of food, shelter, defence, health and education. 谁也不会否认食品、住所、防卫、健康和教育是必需品。
- The dog was bouncing with health and vitality. 那条狗又壮实又活跃,欢蹦乱跳的。
- The training and educational system for prosthetist and orthotist has been successfully developed in many countries for decades, including promoting the entry-level training to the bachelor degree. 义肢矫具师的教育训练制度在国外发展有成已数十年,且提升至学士级的养成教育程度。
- His fame was bought at the expense of health and happiness. 他获得了名声牺牲了健康和幸福。
- Enjoyment of vigorous health and physical drives. 动物特性对强健的身体及活跃的身体机能的享受