- Different SOAP toolkits treat this HTTP header field differently. 不同的SOAP工具包在处理这个HTTP头字段时是不同的。
- It then populates the header field and aligns the data. 然后加上头域,对齐数据。
- UDDI requires the presence of this HTTP Header field to be SOAP 1.1 compliant. UDDI要求这个出现的HTTP头字段应当是兼容SOAP 1.;1的。
- When a Resent-From: header field must be added to the message header. 必须将Resent-From:头字段添加到邮件头时。
- SOAP 1.1 requires the presence of the HTTP header field named SOAPAction when an HTTP binding is specified. 如果使用SOAP的HTTP绑定的话,SOAP 1.;1要求在HTTP头上出现一个名为SOAPAction的头字段。
- Gets the SOAPAction HTTP request header field for the SOAP request or SOAP response. 获取用于SOAP请求或SOAP响应的SOAPAction HTTP请求标头字段。
- X-Sender: This X-Header replaces the From: message header field requirement in a typical SMTP message. X-Sender:此X-Header取代典型的SMTP邮件中的From:邮件头字段要求。
- Resent header fields are defined in section 3.6.6 Of RFC 2822. Resent头字段在RFC 2822的3.;6
- If the Message-Id: header field does not exist or is blank, an arbitrary value is assigned. 如果Message-Id:头字段不存在或为空,则分配任意值。
- If this header field doesn't exist, it is created by using the current message size value. 如果此头字段不存在,将使用当前邮件大小值进行创建。
- This means the actual IP address of the external network adapter is used in the Received: header field. 这意味着在Received:头字段中使用外部网络适配器的实际IP地址。
- This parameter searches for message tracking log entries with the specified Message-ID: header field in the message. 该参数搜索邮件中具有指定Message-ID:头字段的邮件跟踪日志条目。
- This parameter specifies the e-mail address in the From: header field of an external DSN message. 此参数指定外部DSN邮件的From:头字段中的电子邮件地址。
- RFC 2822 requires a blank line between the Subject: header field and the message body. RFC 2822需要在Subject:头字段和邮件正文间留一个空行。
- The IP address in the Received: header field is used for hop count and routing loop detection. Received:头字段中的IP地址用于跃点计数和路由循环检测。
- A blank line must exist between the header fields and the message body. 邮件头字段和邮件正文之间必须存在一个空行。
- MDN messages are defined in RFC 2298, and are controlled by the Disposition-Notification-To: header field in the message header. MDN邮件在RFC 2298中定义,由邮件头中的Disposition-Notification-To:头字段控制。
- MDN settings that use the Disposition-Notification-To: header field are compatible with many different messages servers. 使用Disposition-Notification-To:头字段的MDN设置与许多不同的邮件服务器兼容。
- The reading order and alignment of the header field text of messages, appointments, contacts, and journal entries follow context determination rules. 在邮件、约会、联系人和日记条目中,标题字段文本的阅读次序和对齐方式将遵从上下文确定规则。
- The Replay directory adds its own Received: message header field to a message as part of the message submission process. 在邮件提交过程中,重播目录将自己的Received:邮件头字段添加到邮件中。