- Now let's head off for the city and the university club. 现在让我们进城去, 到大学俱乐部。
- The teacher chewed Sherman's head off for sleeping in class. 老师因为薛曼上课睡觉而狠狠骂了他一顿。
- headed off for town. 出发去城里
- The youth team heads off for Marbella for and end of season training camp. 青年队前往马贝拉参加赛季末训练营。
- One Saturday evening a gang of kids piled into a taxi, heading off for a barbecue on the beach. 一个星期六的晚上,一帮孩子们挤进一辆出租车,前往海滩吃烧烤野餐。
- The good news soon after was the sight of the midfield dynamo (pictured) still running strongly after many of his team-mates had headed off for the showers. 接下来的好消息是人们看到中场发电机在队友们都去淋浴后仍旧能够努力练习。
- You can geek out one day and scream your head off for your favorite NFL team the next. 你可以沉默寡言一整天,你可以在下一天为了你最爱的橄榄球队欢呼雀跃地为他们加油。
- And now they're ready. At this point, the bears are unmolded and they head off for packaging. 现在它们做好了。在这个时候,小熊是没有模具的,并且被包装。
- When a customer arrives, she gets up and greets him with a sloppy kiss before they head off for a shower and then get into the action. 当客人来时,她会站起身,不太自然地接个吻,算作打招呼了,然后径直去洗淋浴,接下来就是做那事。
- Joel wanted to pay William off for backbiting him. 乔尔因威廉在背后说他坏话而要对他进行报复。
- Local kids still head off for school, take shortcuts through restored plazas, and cavort in the playgrounds until it is time to head home for dinner. 当地的孩子们仍不得上学,抄近路穿过已修复的广场,在操场上蹦荡着直到回家吃晚饭。
- A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小组人被分派去执行掩埋的任务。
- I grabbed my hat and took off for the Town Hall. 我抓起帽子便匆匆忙忙地赶到市政厅去。
- One end of the garden was fenced off for chickens. 花园的一端已用篱笆隔开来养鸡。
- He'll talk your head off if you give him a chance. 他一有机会就会对你说个没完。
- After work we all beetle off for a drink. 下班之后我们都急忙赶去喝几杯。
- How are you off for cash? ie How much have you got? 你有多少现款?
- I often nod off for a little while after lunch. 我在午饭後常睡一小觉。
- I'll pay you off for your insult! 我要报复你对我的侮辱!
- I only asked you a question. There's no need to bite my head off. 我只是问你一个问题。你何必对我这么凶。