- Her never used a curse when he spoke to her. 他和她说话的时候,从来不说脏话。
- He spoke to her in a friendly way, but she didn't know him from Adam. 他友好地同她说话,可她却完全不认识他。
- he spoke to her fussily. 他有事没事总爱和她说话。
- She was not aware of his presence till he spoke to her. 直到他跟她讲话她才注意到他的存在。
- The next day he spoke to her of his own accord, and his manner was somewhat changed. 第二天他却主动对她说起话来,态度似乎也有些缓和。
- He spoke to the class about the dangers of smoking. 他给班上学生讲了吸烟的危害性。
- As he speaks to her, Jack gets pulled over by the police. 在与泰瑞交谈时,杰克被警察要求靠边停车。
- He speaks to her in a friendly way,but she do not know him from adam. 他友好地同她说话,可她却完全不认识他。
- It's only a waste of time to speak to her. 和她说话纯粹是浪费时间。
- I twisted round in my seat to speak to her. 我坐在位子上转过身来跟她说话。
- He spoke to us from a platform in the school hall. 他站在学校礼堂的讲演台上给我们演讲。
- Speak to her? I'd never lower myself. 跟她说话?我可不自贬人格。
- I want to speak to her in the matter of my salary. 我想跟她谈谈我的薪水问题。
- Scarcely had I seen him than he spoke to me. 我刚看见他,他就跟我说起话来。
- He speaks to us with great fervor. 他热情洋溢地对我们说。
- If other men spoke to her intimately he was immediately jealous. 一见到别的男人跟她亲热地交谈,他便会醋劲大发。
- I can tell from the way he spoke to us. 我是从他的言谈中判断出来的。
- He spoke to Americans as the voice of conscience. 他向美国人民发出了肺腑之言。
- I shall have to pluck up courage and speak to her about it. 我得鼓起勇气跟她谈这件事。
- He spoke to the labourers with no condescension. 他谦虚地向工人们讲话。