- She has sole responsibility for the project. 那个项目由她一人负责。
- Derek has sole responsibility for sales in Dublin. 在都柏林唯一的职责就是负责销售。
- The International Accounting Standards Board is an independent, privately-funded accounting standard setter based in London, UK. It has sole responsibility for setting accounting standards. 国际会计准则理事会是一个总部设在伦敦的私人投资的独立会计准则机构。它的唯一职责就是负责会计准则的制定。
- The author takes sole responsibility for his views. 文责自负。
- They have sole use of the ice rink because it's in their backyard. 溜冰场就建在他们的后院,所以他们有专属使用权。
- She has the sole responsibility for bringing up the child. 她是唯一有责任抚养孩子的人。
- To monopolize power; to have sole power; to arrogate all authority to oneself. 为了能够掌权,他不惜使用各种卑劣手段。
- have sole responsibility 单独负责
- The latter entails deciding whether to have sole ownership, co-owners, or to establish a corporation. 然后决定是否是建立独资形式、合伙方式或是设立公司。
- The latter entails deciding whether to have sole ownership, co.owners, or to establish a co.poration. 然后决定是否是建立独资形式、合伙方式或是设立公司。
- He had sole jurisdiction in maritime and seafaring causes. 他对海商案件拥有专属管辖权。
- Mechanical condition and safety of each person's bicycle is the participant's sole responsibility. 选手应全权对自己使用的自行车及装备安全负责。
- Their sole responsibility was to make certain that everything ran smoothly for Nixon. 他们唯一的责任是:保证尼克松一切顺利。
- The code handling the event appears to the coder to have sole ownership of any data it modifies. 处理事件的代码似乎让编码者对任何自己修改的数据都有唯一的掌控权。
- The joint venture set up by us is an independent economic entity assuming sole responsibility for its profit and loss. 我们建立的合资企业是一个独立的经济实体,对其盈亏承担全部责任。
- You retain sole responsibility for uploading and/or delivering your submission to SIGGRAPH 2007. 你必须自己付起上传和/或寄送作品到SIGGRAPH 2007的责任。
- "I don't think I'm allowed to have sole charge of two small children," I said dubiously when their mother first mooted the idea. “我觉得我不应该独自照顾两个小孩,”当他们的母亲第一次跟我讨论这个想法时,我向她提出了我的质疑。
- You bear the sole responsibility, liability, and risk for the implementation of such safety procedures and measures. 你要独自承担责任、义务,而且要为履行上述的安全手续和措施负责。
- You are solely responsible for it. 你一个人对那件事负责。
- The requester acknowledges and accepts sole responsibility for his usage of ATP materials. 您必须承认并且接受对ATP资料使用的唯一责任。