- If I could find the people responsible, I would have no compunction about telling the police. 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不後悔。
- With Light Rail in the future I will have no compunction about town to watch. 如果有了轻轨,将来我就可以毫无顾虑地去城里看球。”
- She had no compunction about telling him a lie. 她对于跟他说了谎并没有良心不安。
- If I can find the people responsible,I will have no compunction about telling the police. 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不后悔。
- If I can find the people responsible, I will have no compunction about telling the police. 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不後悔。
- He had no compunction about interfering in her private affairs. 他对于打扰他的私生活毫不愧疚。
- And Saddam Hussein has no compunction about using them again, against his neighbors and against his own people. 他并没有因为使用这些药剂反对他的邻国和人民而感到忏悔。
- Ten years on, those voices have triumphed.Today's Berlin republic has no compunction about putting its short-term national interests first. 10年过后,这些建议成为了现实,今天的柏林并不后悔当初把短期的国家利益放在首位。
- Why is it that New Delhi is so sensitive about stepping on Beijing's toes, when China has no compunction about stomping on Indian toes, and with hobnailed boots at that? 为什么新德里如此敏感,担心踩着北京的脚趾,而北京对穿着钉鞋践踏印度的脚趾却毫无悔恨之意?
- Our concern is not just about these elicit weapons. It's the way that these elicit weapons can be connected to terrorists and terrorist organizations that have no compunction about using such devices against innocent people around the world. 我们关注的不仅仅是这些非法武器本身,我们更关注这些武器与恐怖主义相关联的问题,恐怖组织会对整个世界的无辜人民毫不留情地使用这些武嚣。
- She has no compunctions about rejecting the plan. 她对拒绝那个计划丝毫也不后悔。
- The Conservatives, who are likely to form the next government after an election in the spring, should have no compunction about revisiting this deal and, if necessary, unwinding it (see article). 如果保守党赢得春季竞选成为下届政府的执政党,就应无可厚非地重温这桩交易,如有必要,解除两银行联姻合约。
- She felt no compunction about leaving her job. 她对她的辞职一点儿也不感到懊悔。
- If i can find the people responsible, i will have no compunction about tell the police 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不後悔
- If I could find the people responsible, I would have no compunction about telling the police 我要知道是谁干的就去报警而毫不後悔.
- He has no compunctions about making decisions that might kill innocent bystanders claiming his actions are done "in the name of God", and would gladly sacrifice his brother to further his own cause. 他对于自己实行的任何有可能杀死无辜旁观者的行动从不感到内疚,声称他的行为是“以上帝的名义”,甚至为了促进自己的事业可以高兴地牺牲掉自己的弟弟。
- We shall have no compunction in throwing overboard our ancient manners, nor any in emulating their lack of courtesy. 我们将不再对自己遗忘祖国传统礼仪而感到羞愧,却急于弥补他们谦恭有礼的缺失。
- have no compunction about 不后悔
- At Roma he had no compunction over fielding a three-man attack because he had excellent forwards. 在执教罗马队的时候他使用三前锋的阵型,因为他手下有出色的锋线球员。
- While they may not be household names, they became hugely successful in part because of the generosity of the young Dennis, who felt no compunction about sharing his skills with others. 年轻的丹尼斯很大方,他把自己的技术都分享给别人了,这些人都取得了巨大的成功。