- It is good to have company in trouble (or) misery. 难友最可贵。(患难见真情)
- The Brewers have company this week. 勃鲁尔斯家这星期来了客人。
- If you do not care, you have company. 如果你不喜欢,你的公司。
- Am I allowed to have company over? 我可以让朋友进来吗?
- The old man seemed delighted to have company. 那位老人似乎很高兴有人作伴。
- You'd have company when you quit work and so would I. 你我工作之余都要有伴。
- If I have company on the way, the walk to the village seems to take only half the time. 如果路上我有人同行,步行到那个村子就只要用很短的时间。
- Look brother! It's been ages, but we finally have company! 看啊,兄弟!好多年过去了,但我们终于等来了客人!
- Aren't you worried they are too wiped out to have company? 你说琼斯教授他们怎么样了?
- Until then, the bears stranded ashore will have company. 在那之前,徘徊于岸上的北极熊也会有访客。
- I was busy and less than delighted to have company that day. 那天我很忙,不太高兴有客人来。
- Rudra: Look brother! It's been ages, but we finally have company! 楼陀罗:看啊,兄弟!好多年过去了,但我们终于等来了客人!
- We had company and I couldn't get away. 家里有客人,我走不开。
- I didn't realize you had company. 我不知道你有客人。
- Dad, we didn't realize you had company today. 爸爸,我们没注意到您今天有客人。
- So Antares appears to have company on the sky's dome, while Fomalhaut doesn't. 住在北半球的居民也称其为秋天的星星。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- Arf! Sooner or later you get tired of so having company! 啊汪!人迟早都会厌倦太多陪伴的。
- If I have company on the way,the walk to the village seems to take only half the time. 如果路上我有人同行,步行到那个村子就只要用很短的时间。
- Laurie was in a flutter of excitement at the idea of having company. 劳笠想到这回有了伙伴真有点飘飘然了。