- He has a knack of falling out with everyone. 他有个怪癖,总是和每个人吵架。
- You have a knack of getting to the core of things. 你一下子说到点子上了。
- My car has a knack of breaking down just when I need it most. 我的汽车总是在我最需要的时候抛锚。
- He has a knack of saying funny things. 他有说俏皮话的本事。
- She has a knack of making friends. 她有一套交朋友的诀窍。
- He has a knack of doing stupid things. 他惯于做蠢事。
- He has a knack of teaching arithmetic. 他教算术有诀窍。
- He has a knack of falling outwith everyone. 他有个怪癖,总是和每个人吵架。
- He has a knack of teaching mathematics. 他教数学有点技巧。
- Jack has a knack of making friends wherever he goes. 杰克有一种走到哪里都能交到朋友的本事。
- You have a knack for saying the right thing. 你说话总是能切中要害。
- She has a knack for turning a phrase. 她善于辞令。
- He has a knack for making furniture. 他有做家俱的熟练技能。
- He has a [the] knack of [for] teaching mathematics. 他教数学有点技巧。
- My kin have always had a knack for laborious work. 我的家人向来有妙法搞定吃力的活儿。
- I have a knack for computers. I can fix most computer problems. 我在计算机方面有天赋。我能修理大部分计算机问题。
- Clearly, Finnie has a knack for inspiration. 显然,范尼有激励学生的妙招。
- I seem to have a knack for getting on the Inside with Connections. 我似乎对深入的接触有特殊能力。
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。