- Trained by the frogmen, members of Marine Patrol Force have unusual stamina. 图2、3:海上警备队员都经过蛙人训练,具有超乎常人的体力和耐力。
- If your child has unusual fears, what are they? 您孩子有什么特别害怕的事情吗?
- Her unusual abilities allow her to heal the party, but she seems more interested in the deepening love triangle between herself, Cloud and Tifa. 爱莉丝不寻常的能力可以为队伍进行治疗,但她似乎对克劳德,蒂法和她自己之间深入的三角恋情更感兴趣。
- You are able to grasp ideas that others cannot even imagine, because you have an unusual ability to think abstractly. 你能够领会别人甚至无法想象的概念,因为你有着不同寻常的抽象思维能力。
- Colugos and tree shrews have unusual reproductive systems, but in very different directions. 猫猴和树鼩都具有不同一般的繁殖体系,但是具体的方法也不一样。
- The lesson we can leam from Chuck and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers. 从查克和其他结交了不同寻常的人那里,我们可以悟出一个道理。那就是朋友就是老师。
- Mozart was an infant prodigy(= a child with unusual ability). 莫扎特是个神童。
- Had unusual longevity in the company;her longevity as a star. 在公司里呆的时间超乎寻常地长;她长期以来一直是明星
- You are apt to have unusual romances or meet your partner under such strange circumstances that you may feel that it may even have been predestined. 你倾向于拥有不寻常的恋情,或是在很奇怪的场景下遇到你的另一半,你可能会觉得那是命中注定的相遇。
- Have had unusual nose bleeds at any time in your life. Or have awoken with a nose bleed. 经常 不寻常地流鼻血; 或因流鼻血而醒来.
- Room wall has the basis to go out and have unusual movement clew without Peng of bureau kitchen sex exist without room wall tumour. 根据室壁有无局灶性膨出并有反常运动提示有无室壁瘤存在。
- The most powerful response to my work has come from people who have unusual anatomies themselves, and have never before seen such bodies portrayed as beautiful. 对我作品最有力的支持来自那些自身有着残缺的人们,在此之前他们从未见人把这样的身体定义为美。
- John, long admired from afar for his unusual ability, will be fighting outside of Asia for the first time. 克里斯.;约翰的名声早已漂洋过海,不过这是他首次在亚洲以外的赛场打比赛。
- Having unusual moles, exposure to sunlight and being fair-skinned are thought to place people at higher risk. 具有较大的痣,接受阳光暴晒和较浅肤色者被认为是皮肤癌的高危人群。
- I have implicit faith in your abilities. 我完全相信你的能力。
- People who have unusual difficulty with reading, writing, listening or working with numbers might have a learning disability. 那些读、写、听、或从事与数字有关的事情时有特殊困难的人可能患有学习障碍。
- Recently a music group called Motley Crue created quite a stir when they violated a norm by wearing exaggerated makeup and having unusual hair styles. 7 陈宝莲之所以觉得陈宝莲该入此榜并不是在于喜欢看她的三级片,而在于感伤娱乐圈的种种黑幕害人,其实很多明星最后走上绝路,和娱乐圈的环境不无关系,一个人要出人头地,没有社会地位没有金钱铺路怎么办?
- Soon after, he discovers that he has unusual powers: he is endowed with the strength and agility of a spider along with a keen, ESP-like "spider-sense. 起初,他将这些超能力用来赚钱,然而当他叔叔在他眼前遭到恶人谋杀后,他发誓要用他的超能力来打击犯罪。
- Ten years ago Purdue University scientists isolat ed the layer of tissue called small intestinal submucosa,or SIS,and found that it had unusual healing properties. 十年前波尔都大学的科学家们分离中一种组织名叫小肠结膜(SIS),他们发现其有不同寻常的愈合功效。
- Having unusually flexible joints, especially of the limbs or fingers. 双关节的尤指四肢或手具有异常柔韧关节的