- The prospect of success intoxicates me. 成功的前景令我陶醉。
- Prospect of success in the talk is put at zero. 会谈没有成功的希望。
- Your prospects of success have vanished. 你的成功希望已化为乌有了。
- Their prospects of success have vanished. 他们成功的希望已成为泡影。
- Prospects of success in the talks were put at zero. 会谈没有成功的希望。
- He gave up halfway because he didn't see any prospect of success. 他半途而废,因为他看不到成功的希望。
- Today, thanks to the surge, we've revived the prospect of success in Iraq. 如今,多亏增兵,我们已经使在伊拉克的胜利曙光重新呈现。”
- With his wife and two children, Mr. Sipes is on welfare and sees slim prospects of getting off of it. 赛普斯先生夫妻和两个孩子靠福利救济生活,而且眼看不靠福利救济生活的希望越来越渺茫。
- We have no certainty of success. 我们没有成功的把握。
- With his wife and two children, Mr.Sipes is on welfare and sees slim prospects of getting off of it. 赛普斯先生夫妻和两个孩子靠福利救济生活,而且眼看不靠福利救济生活的希望越来越渺茫。
- My prospects/hopes of success have vanished. 我的成功前景[希望]已破灭。
- I have never tasted the sweets of success. 我从未尝到过成功的快乐。
- The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded. 破产的危险已经减少了。
- Her chances of success are very slim. 她成功的机会甚微。
- The prospect of Christmas left the children agog. 对圣诞节的憧憬使得孩子们兴奋不已
- The prospect of another war appalled us. 想到有可能发生另一场战争,我们不寒而栗。
- She rejoiced at the prospect of the Paris trip. 她对即将能去巴黎旅行一事高兴万分。
- Put it this way, we have slim chance of getting the licence in time. 另外一个说法是,我们及时取得牌照的机会很微。
- She quailed at the prospect of addressing such a large crowd. 她想到要在大庭广众之中讲话心里就发毛。
- They are in the exultation of success. 他们正沉醉于成功的欣喜中。