- To have experienced all hardships 停辛伫苦
- I have not forgotten past slights, happy, romantic, sad, painful, We have experienced all the happiness and sorrow. 是我辜负了你.;曾经以为;我们就是天生的一对;但是经过相处;才知道;我们并不合适
- He spent years drifting about, and has experienced all that life has to offer. 在外漂泊了几十年,他已经饱经沧桑。
- As a literator in the low level of society, Pu Songling has experienced all kinds of hardship, so during the period of the creation, he gives a happy end to the scholars in the Liao Zhai Zhi Yi. 作为一个封建社会的下层文人,蒲松龄饱尝了世间的艰辛与困苦,因此,在进行文学创作时,他凭借一股愤懑不平之气,为其笔下的书生们创造了一个个花好月圆的美满结局。
- The red carpet welcome is something the Queen has experienced all over the world but in Bermuda shocking pink was chosen to reflect the famous colour of the local beaches. 过去,女王造访世界各地时接受的都是红毯迎宾礼,而这回,为了反映出当地举世闻名的粉色沙滩,百慕大挑选了鲜粉红色。
- have experienced all the hardships 艰苦备尝
- The cast of characters in any human\'s history has experienced all things, from wealth to poverty, from birth and death of all kinds, to all kinds of family and work circumstances. 这组演员在任一人类的历史中已体验了所有事物,从富裕到贫穷,从出生到所有类型的死亡,到所有类型的家庭和工作境况。
- He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships. 他经历过一切艰难困苦。
- She has experienced many hardships in the course of their journeys, but all her fatigue completely vanishes at the sight of her beloved antiques. 尽管一路风尘,可当她看到这些让她心动不已的古老物品时,行程中的疲惫与劳累都烟消云散了。
- We experienced all kinds of hardships and finally got to our destination. 我们历尽艰辛,终于到达了目的地。
- Most people of my father's generation have experienced the hardships of war. 我父亲那一代人中的大多数都经历过战争的磨难。
- But, maugre all hardships, they pursued their journey cheerily. 虽然诸多困难,他们仍愉快地继续他们的旅程。
- My chief worry is that he doesn't have experience. 我的主要忧虑是他没有经验。
- Overcoming all hardships, together we build our resistance bases. 克服所有的艰难,一起创造我们的抵抗基础。
- To have experienced all sweet and bitter 历尽甘苦
- He has experienced what hardships mean. 她涉阅过艰苦的生活。
- The world has experienced many tyrannies. 这个世界已经经历过许多个专政政权。
- But,maugre,mauger all hardships,they pursued their journey cheerily. 虽然诸多困难,他们仍愉快地继续他们的旅程。
- Wes: Do you have experience in all those areas? 韦斯:你有这些方面的经验吗?
- But, maugre , mauger all hardships, they pursued their journey cheerily. 虽然诸多困难,他们仍愉快地继续他们的旅程。