- haus 和 house 是同源词。'Haus' and 'house' are cognates.
- 德语的haus一词和英语的house一词同源.The German word 'Haus' is cognate with the English word 'house'.
- 今日我们所食用的面食可能是同一时期在意大利和中国发展出来的。Pasta, as it's eaten today, probably developed simultaneously in Italy and China.
- 德语中的 haus 一词与英语中的 house 同源。'Haus' in German is cognate with 'house' in English.
- 你知道弗朗西斯科·培根写的文章吗?培根和莎士比亚大约是同一时代的人。Do you know the essays of Francis Bacon, who lived about the same time as Shakespeare?
- 离散数据不一定是同一类的,离散选择也不一定是连续的。Discrete data is not necessarily homogeneous, and discrete selection is not necessarily contiguous.
- [谚]只有傻瓜和骗子才同别人打赌。None but fools and knaves lay wagers.
- 由于父母已经有了五个孩子,生活就是同贫困作无止境的搏斗。As the parents had five children, life was a perpetual struggle against poverty.
- 这些狗的长鼻子是同系交配的特点。The long nose on these dogs is an, inbred characteristic.
- 摩洛哥和加利福尼亚是地球上几乎同纬度的两小块地方。Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes.
- 市长把市民的利益与他自己的成功当作是同一回事。The mayor identified the interests of the citizens with his own prosperity.
- 她今年的生日和中国的农历新年是同一天。Her birthday falls at the same time of the Year as Chinese New Year.
- 共产党人不是同其他工人政党相对立的特殊政党。The Communists do not form a separate party opposed to other working-class parties.
- 今年您的生日和母亲节是同一天。这需要双重庆祝。What luck! This you're your birthday and Mother's Day are on the same day. This calls for a double celebration.
- 部长那里什么也没打听到。他所要说的就是同工会的对话继续在早晨进行。Nothing could be gut out of the Minister. All they would say was that the talks with the Union would continue in die morning.
- 这部连续剧是同香港电视台联合制作的。This sitcom is produced in cooperation with Hong Kong TV.
- 无后方作战,本来是敌后游击战争的特点,因为它是同国家的总后方脱离的。It is a characteristic of guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines that it is fought without a rear, for the guerrilla forces are severed from the country's general rear.
- 爱不是同某个特定的人的一次性交易,虽然具体每个人都有不同的方式。Love is not a one-shot deal connected to a single magical person, although with certain people it takes a unique form
- 这种两面性,就是欧美历史上的资产阶级,也是同具的。Even the bourgeoisie in European and American history had shared this dual character.
- 这种主张是同中共中央和平解决西安事变的方针相反的。This proposal ran counter to the Central Committee's policy for a peaceful settlement of the Sian Incident.